Physics Virtual Coffee Hour #3

Note: Meeting ID: 958 0536 1597

When: April 29, 2020 (Wed), 04:00PM to 05:00PM (add to my calendar)

COVID-19 is impacting both our work and personal lives. In an attempt to make sure we stay in touch and try to help all members of our community manage the many facets of this crisis, we would like to schedule weekly “Coffee/Tea” social hours with undergraduate and graduate students. We will use these informal social hours to get your input on the transition to the new environment, both academically and socially, but also to simply socialize and, in many cases, to get to know each other better. This is an opportunity to bring the community together and help support each other through these unprecedented times.

• Join Zoom Meeting:

o Meeting ID: 958 0536 1597

o Password: see Kelly Capri's email for details