Axion and hidden photon dark matter detection with multilayer optical haloscopes

Speaker: Junwu Huang, Perimeter Institute

When: February 20, 2019 (Wed), 11:30AM to 12:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

In this talk, I will discuss a theoretical proposal for a new class of detectors for dark photon and axion dark matter at frequencies from the infrared through the ultraviolet based on dielectric haloscopes and high precision and efficiency single photon detectors. I will also show some of the recent experimental progress and preliminary experimental results with our prototype. A well-motivated class of dark matter candidates including axions and dark photons takes the form of coherent oscillations of a light bosonic field. If the dark matter couples to Standard Model states it may be possible to detect it via absorptions in a laboratory target. Current experiments of this kind include cavity-based resonators that convert bosonic dark matter to electromagnetic fields operating at microwave frequencies. In periodic photonic materials, bosonic dark matter can efficiently convert to detectable single optical photons. With feasible experimental techniques, these detectors can probe significant new parameter space for axion and dark photon dark matter in the 0.1-10 eV mass range.