One-electron spectral properties of one-dimensional metallic states in MoSe(2) line defects and in Bi/InSb(001)

Speaker: Jose M.P. Carmelo

When: December 5, 2018 (Wed), 03:00PM to 04:00PM (add to my calendar)
Location: SCI 328
Hosted by: David Campbell

This event is part of the Biophysics/Condensed Matter Seminar Series.

Twin grain boundaries in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides such as molybdenum diselenide [MoSe(2)] and self-assembled atomic structures on the surface of semiconductors such as a bismuth-induced anisotropic structure on indium antimonide [Bi/InSb(001)] are exceptional candidates for truly one-dimensional metals in their high temperature phases. The microscopic mechanisms behind their exotic spectral properties involve long-range interactions of electrons confined to one-dimensional channels. We extend the universal theory for the finite-energy spectral properties of a wide class of one-dimensional correlated lattice systems whose microscopic mechanisms involve phase shifts imposed by a mobile quantum impurity on the electronic lattice systems with long-range interactions. In contrast to standard theoretical schemes (such as TLL theory) that do not account for the effects of long-range interactions, our theoretical predictions agree quantitatively with the observed one-electron spectral properties of one-dimensional metallic states in MoSe(2) line defects and in Bi/InSb(001).