"Phases of Conformal Field Theory at Higher Genus, Modular Bootstrap and Entanglement Entropy"
This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.
Two dimensional conformal field theories are among the most important quantum field theories: they describe important statistical and condensed matter systems near criticality, and -- while not exactly solvable -- many exact techniques can be used which are not available in higher dimensions. I will consider these theories defined on surfaces of genus g>1, where the partition function of the theory can be interpreted as an entanglement Renyi entropy. This leads to a fascinating relationship between (higher genus) modular invariance and information theory. I will describe novel uses of higher genus modular invariance to constrain the structure constants of the theory. I will also discuss a new class of phase transitions which occur in holographic CFTs, which imply that Renyi entropies are not analytic functions of the Renyi parameter.