"Topological sectors, supersymmetric localization, and holography"
This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.
Correlation functions are interesting observables in quantum field theory that are very hard to compute away from perturbative expansions. I will describe recent work where, in supersymmetric theories, exact computations of such observables are possible using the technique of supersymmetric localization. I will focus on three-dimensional superconformal field theories (SCFTs) with {\cal N} = 4 supersymmetry, where the operators I study form a one-dimensional topological sector. In the special case of 3d SCFTs with AdS_4 holographic duals, I will describe the bulk duals of the corresponding topological sectors. This yields instances of a 2d/1d holographic duality where the bulk theories are weakly coupled and the boundary theories are exactly solvable.