Building a topological quantum computer one atomic layer at a time
This event is part of the Physics Department Colloquia Series.
Quantum computation requires initialization, manipulation, and readout of information that is stored in quantum-mechanical two-level systems – the qubits. At present many possible physical systems are explored as potential platforms for quantum computation, include superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and various semiconductor systems. A principal challenge to all quantum technologies is loss of information due to decoherence. In this talk I will describe our efforts to build semiconductor and semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems that may form the basis for future quantum technologies that are robust against decoherence. We focus on hybrid high-spin-orbit-coupling (SOC) semiconductor-superconductor interfaces that are believed to support Majorana zero modes that may be topologically protected against decoherence. The interplay of material properties, device operation, and qubit function will be discussed.