Energy Correlation Functions for Jet Substructure

Note: Due to snow on 2/8 will reschedule on 2/14/13 at 3:30 PM
Speaker: Andrew Larkoski, MIT

When: February 8, 2013 (Fri), 02:00PM to 03:00PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

Abstract: I'll discuss how generalized energy correlation functions can be used as powerful probes of jet substructure. These correlation functions are based on energies and pair-wise angles of particles within a jet, with (N+1)-point correlators sensitive to N-prong substructure. We will present three case studies to illustrate the utility of these observables: 2-point correlators for quark versus gluon discrimination, 3-point correlators for W/Z/H boson identification and 4-point correlators for top quark identification.