Preliminary Oral Exam
August 1st, 2020 to July 31st, 2021. Previous/next year.
Aug13 |
Eric Boyers
Boston University, Physics Department
| Realizing a synthetic topological insulator with a quasi-periodically driven qubit | |
Oct13 |
Siqi Yuan
Boston University, Physics Department
| Search for dark matter in the final state that contains a hadronically decayed W/Z boson and missing transverse energy | |
Oct16 |
Anirudh Chandrasekaran
Boston University, Physics Department
| Catastrophe theory classification of Fermi surface topological transitions in two dimensions | |
Nov13 |
Bowen Zhao
Boston University, Physics Department
| New aspects of deconfined quantum criticality (Poster) | |
Nov18 |
Jing Ma
Boston University, Physics Department
| Role of bridge nodes in epidemic spreading: Different regimes and crossovers | |
Dec11 |
Shiyu Zhou
Boston University, Physics Department
| Experimental Realization of Spin Liquids in a Programmable Quantum Device | |
Jan22 |
Sakib Matin
Boston University, Physics Department
| The unreasonable effectiveness of cluster scaling | |
Feb12 |
Julian Ingham
Boston University, Physics Department
| Mechanism for Superconductivity and Competing Excitonic Order in Honeycomb Superlattices | |
Feb22 |
Janos Adam
Boston University Physics Department
| CASPEr-Electric - first results and next generations | |
Feb23 |
Jack Stropko
Boston University, Physics Department
| Measuring Dynamic Heterogeneity in Supercooled Liquids | |
Mar03 |
Kyriakos Grammatikos
Boston University, Physics Department
| Aspects of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the Lightcone Conformal Truncation Method | |
Mar23 |
Nikolay Shumovskyi
Boston University, Physics Department
| The Physics of Phase Bullying | |
Mar24 |
David Long
Boston University, Physics Department
| Topological Effects of Quasiperiodic Driving | |
Mar30 |
Nicholas Russo
Boston University, Physics Department
| Bandgap Engineering is Bismuth Vanadate-Tungstate Metal Oxides for Photocatalytic water splitting | |
Apr29 |
Shangran Qiu
Boston University, Physics Department
| Deep learning for Alzheimer's disease assessment |