Condensed Matter Theory
August 1st, 2008 to July 31st, 2009. Previous/next year.
Feb26 |
Joseph Thywissen
University of Toronto
| Ultracold fermions and bosons in Toronto | |
Mar12 |
Alessandro Silva
ICTP, Triste, Italy
| The statistics of the work done in quantum quenches | |
Apr01 |
Mukund Vengalattore
Cornell University
| Supersolidity in a quantum degenerate dipolar spinor gas | |
Apr02 |
Eduardo Fradkin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
| Entanglement Entropy at 2D quantum critical points and topological fluids | |
Apr09 |
Sasha Chernyshev
University of California, Irvine
| Frustrated, degenerate, and breaking apart: the Bright Side of Life in triangular lattice | |
Apr16 |
Krishnendu Sengupta
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
| Aspects of many-body physics in graphene | |
Apr23 |
Lars Fritz
Harvard University
| Hydrodynamic transport properties of graphene |