Category Archives: Events

All BU CERN events should go here by default plus other categories eventually.

Technically this category is used as default event category for the event calender plugin.

2012 exam schedule

Upon Larry’s request, and for the future reference:
the following was our exam schedule for this semester.

6/6 EMII written exam: 8:30am to 12:30pm, 4hrs, at Science I 306
6/8 EMII oral exam: 8:30am to 15:30pm, 25min/each student, at Prof. Buttiker’s office
6/14 QMI: 8:30am to 12:30pm, 4hrs, at Science II 300

LHC software course: Discussion of the tutorials (cont.)

Who: Prof. Arno Heister

Room: CERN 304-1-007

Please bring your laptop.

We will discuss your homework assignments, progress with the tutorials, etc.

Links used in todays lecture:

  1. CMS data discovery
  2. CMS LXR browser (this link is accesible also fior the remote students i.e. without any password)


  • Continue working on the longer exercises available from here.
  • Each one of you should give a 5-10min report on what you could accomplish next Monday.

LHC software course: ROOT TTree using an event class follow up, CMSSW introduction

Who: Prof. Arno Heister

Room: CERN 354-1-016

Please bring your laptop. We will continue working with the jet event example in the ROOT tutorial section today.

Here is a link to the slides for today: CMS PAT introduction

Links for todays lecture:

  1. CMS computing model
  2. How to locate CMS data
  3. CMS data analysis school (prelimenaries)


  • Pick one or more exercises from here.

LHC software course: ROOT TTree using an event class (part II)

Who: Prof. Arno Heister

Room: CERN 354-1-016

Please bring your laptop. We will continue working with the jet event example in the ROOT tutorial section today.


  • Start from the jets.C TTree loop and add the option of filling histograms with info from the JetEvent class. Also add the possibility to cut on quantities like e.g. the number of tracks per event, the pt of jets, etc. Upload your work i.e. .C files, etc. as usual beforethe next lecture to this area. Important: Do not use anywhere the SetBinContentmethod or the TTree:Draw(..) method.
  • Write and define your own ROOT style, etc. and put all your enhancements into your standard rootlogon.C file.
  • Give us details about H->ttbar channel shown in the plot we discussed in the lecture. The plot can be found in this publication.

LHC software course: ROOT TTree, event class, etc.

Who: Prof. Arno Heister

Room: CERN 354-1-016

Please bring your laptop. We will work with the jet event example in the ROOT tutorial section today.


  • Upgrade the jets.C TTree loop and add the option of filling histograms with info from the JetEvent class. Also add the possibility to cut on quantities like e.g. the number of tracks per event, the pt of jets, etc. Upload your work i.e. .C files, etc. as usual before the next lecture to this area. Important: Do not use anywhere the SetBinContent method.