Opening ISpy

Does anyone else get this message when they try to open ispy?
[lxplus203] ~ > chmod +x ispy
[lxplus203] ~ > ./ispy
Reading default views.
Fontconfig warning: no elements found. Check configuration.
Fontconfig warning: adding /usr/share/fonts/fonts.cache-1
Fontconfig warning: adding ~/.fontconfig
ispy: Fatal IO error: client killed
I also tried doing the wget thing beforehand but that didn’t work either.



For all Mac users,

Take a moment to check out the Cyberduck application at to make things a little more convenient with server connections and directories.

It is also recommended that you use this in conjunction with Aquamacs at


CMSAEP lecture – Introduction to CERN, etc.

Room: 4-S-013

Preparation for the CMS P5 visit on Wednesday: Introduction to the Large Hadron Collider with examples from ATLAS and CMS (Slides in Quicktime format) Use your buphy login to download the files.

Introduction to CERN moved to next Friday.

Please bring your laptop.


  • CMS event display: Identify objects,particles you see in the first 23 CMS collision events. You will have to decompress the linked file. Instructions for special OS:
    • Mac/Linux/lxplus:
      • download and become familiar with iSpy
      • take the ig-file and look at the events
    • Microsoft Windows (until you will have lxplus access):
      • use the screenshots on the iSpy page
  • Challenging: What is a gauge theorie? i.e. why/what makes classical electrodynamics is a gauge theorie?