Root Browser

When I run “TBrowser b”, it opens up TRootBrowserLite and gives me this message:

“You are using the old ROOT browser! A new version is available. To use it:
Select the ‘New Browser’ entry from the ‘File’ menu in the browser, or change
‘Browser.Name:’ from ‘TRootBrowserLite’ to ‘TRootBrowser’ in system.rootrc”

However, I changed “TRootBrowserLite” to “TRootBrowser”, but I then had a Break-gdb not found type of error. Anybody know what’s up with this?



Logging into lxplus

I was running the standard checks that Arno gave us to make sure everything is up and running on my computer. I discovered that I couldn’t run “xterm” while connected to I received the error “xterm Xt error: Can’t open display:”

Thanks to some help from Elim, I found out I was connected via “ssh” whereas I needed to be connected to “ssh -X”. Sure enough, I connected to ssh -X and was able to run “xterm” without a problem.

If you’re having problems with running “xterm”, try this out and see if it works.


Problem accessing e-group “CMS web Access” in TWiki

I tried to click on the “CMSSW” in the TWiki web, and I am denied to go to that page because I am not a member of the e-group “CMS-web-Access”. So, I emailed the TWiki person, Peter Jones, and this is the reply:

{You need to be in the egroup ‘cms-web-access’ in order to see CMS pages. 

Check with your CMS coordinator

Peter Jones}

So, I am thinking if we need Arno’s permition to join the e-group…

Thanks, Elim =D

Frequently used Unix/Linux commands

Here is a brief list of frequently/commonly used UNIX commands:

  • cp – copy files
  • scp – secure copy files
  • ls – list files (ls -l lists files with attributes)
  • chmod – change attributes of files, etc. (chmod u+x … makes a file executable for you)
  • cd – change directory
  • mv – move files
  • rm – remove files
  • pwd – to find out in which directory you are currently

You can use e.g. “man ls” on the command line to find out more about a specific command. You could also try to google details …

If you have found out other useful commands, tricks, etc. let us know!
