
for the homework, we are given:

    TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1", "h1", 200, -5,5);
    TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "[2]*TMath::Gaus(x,[0],[1])");
Try typing into google "TMath root" to find an expression for a poisson fit, rather than Gaus()..
Hope This Helps!!=D


Both Griffiths QM (P397) and our old classical mechanics bok (p365) describe luminosity (which I just knew as intensity or flux density). L=number of particles per unit area per unit time. We discussed it last semester when talking about scattering cross sections.

How to access, setup, etc. your new CERN mail account

As CERN user you have also an email address at CERN. You can access, setup, etc. your email account on the webpage: https://mmm.cern.ch/

You can login to this page with your nice account.

In case you want that all mail sent to your CERN mail address is sent to your e.g. BU account you can set upĀ forwarding all emails to your other email account on this page as well.

PS: I have added the link to the MMM service to our link list as well.