What the BU/CERN program meant to me

The BU Geneva Physics Program offered me a wealth of opportunities. As a student from a small liberal arts college, I did not have any previous experience working with a large collaboration of physicists, let alone at an institution solely dedicated to one subfield of physics. I greatly enjoyed doing research on ATLAS, learning a lot from my professor and the other students in the group. I fell in love with CERN and with experimental particle physics. I gained critical research skills as well a greater sense of confidence in my abilities as a physicist, both of which I needed at this time in my life to be able to continue on in the field. This program was instrumental in shaping my career path; I will be starting graduate school in the fall at Johns Hopkins University, pursuing a Ph.D. in physics and working with the JHU CMS group . I cannot imagine a better way to have spent Spring 2012 and I hope that this opportunity is available to undergraduates for years to come.

I’d be more than happy to answer any questions about the program at aas1@williams.edu.

Alice Sady

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