Recent Publications:
- Yi, A., Li, H., Mamaeva, N., Fernandez De Cordoba, R. E., Lugtenburg, J., DeGrip, W. J., Spudich, J. L., Rothschild, K. J., Structural Changes in an Anion Channelrhodopsin: Formation of the K and L Intermediates at 80 K. Biochemistry (2017). doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00002.
- Yi, A., Mamaeva, N., Li, H., Spudich, J.L., Rothschild, K.J., Resonance Raman Study of an Anion Channelrhodopsin: Effects of Mutations near the Retinylidene Schiff Base. Biochemistry, 55 (16), 2371-2380 (2016).
- Ogren, J., Yi, A., Mamaev, S., Li, H., Spudich, J. L., Rothschild, K. J., Proton Transfers in a Channelrhodopsin-1 Studied by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Difference Spectroscopy and Site-directed Mutagenesis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290, 12719-12730 (2015).
- Ogren, J., Yi, A., Mamaev, S., Lugtenburg, J., DeGrip, W. J., Spudich, J. L., Rothschild, K. J., Comparison of the Structural Changes Occuring during the Primary Phototransition of Two Different Channelrhodopsins from Chlamydomonas Algae. Biochemistry, 54 (2), 377-388 (2015).
- Ogren, J., Mamaev, S., Russano, D., Li, H., Spudich, J. L., Rothschild, K. J., Retinal Chromophore Structure and Schiff Base Interactions in Red-Shifted Channelrhodopsin-1 from Chlamydomonas augustae. Biochemistry, 53 (24), 3961-3970 (2015).
- Saint Clair, E.C., Ogren, J., Mamaeva, S., Russano, D., Kralj, J.M., Rothschild, K.J., Near-IR Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Archaerhodopsin 3: Effects of Transmembrane Potential. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116 (50), 14592-14601 (2012).
- Saint Clair, E.C., Ogren, J., Mamaeva, S., Kralj, J.M., Rothschild, K.J., Conformational Changes in the Archaerhodopsin-3 Proton Pump: Detection of Conserved Strongly Hydrogen Bonded Water Networks. Journal of Biological Physics, 38 (1), 153-168 (2012).
- Bergo, V.B., Sineschekov, O.A., Kralj, J.M., Partha, R., Spudich, E.N., Rothschild, K.J. Spudich, J.L., His-75 in Proteorhodopsin, a Novel Component in Light-driven Proton Translocation by Primary Pumps. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 2836-2843 (2009).
- Amsden, J.J., Kralj, J.M., Bergo, V.B., Spudich, E.N., Spudich, J.L., Rothschild, K.J., Different Structural Changes Occur in Blue- and Green-Proteorhodopsins During the Primary Photoreaction. Biochemistry, 47 (44), 11490-11498 (2008).
- Kralj, J.M., Spudich, E.N., Spudich, J.L., Rothschild, K.J., Raman Spectroscopy Reveals Direct Chromophore Interactions in the Leu/Gln105 Spectral Tuning Switch of Proteorhodopsins. The Journal of Physics Chemistry B, 112 (37), 11770-11776 (2008).
- Kralj, J.M., Bergo, V.B., Amsden, J.J., Spudich, E.N., Spudich, J.L., Rothschild, K.J., Protonation State of Glu142 Differs in the Green- and Blue-Absorbing Variants of Proteorhodopsin. Biochemistry, 47 (11), 3447-3453 (2008).
- Amsden, J.J., Kralj, J.M., Chieffo, L.R., Wang, X., Erramilli, S., Spudich, E.N., Spudich, J.L., Ziegler, L.D., Rothschild, K.J., Subpicosecond Protein Backbone Changes Detected during the Green-Absorbing Proteorhodopsin Primary Photoreaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111 (40), 11824-11831 (2007).
Book Contributions:
W.J. DeGrip and K.J. Rothschild: "Structure and Mechanism of Vertebrate Visual Pigments" in
D.G. Stavenga, W.J. de Grip, and E.N. Pugh. Molecular Mechanisms in Visual Transduction. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2000. pp. 1-54. -
S. Sonar, C.P. Lee, C.F.C Ludlam, X.M. Liu, M. Coleman, T. Marti, H.G. Khorana, U.L. RajBhandary, and K.J. Rothschild: "Site-Directed Isotope Labeling of Membrane Proteins: A New Tool for Spectroscopists" in
Techniques in Protein Chemistry. Academic Press, 1996. pp. 151-159. -
K.J. Rothschild and S. Sonar: "Bacteriorhodopsin: New Biophysical Perspectives" in
CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology. London: CRC Press, Inc., 1995. pp. 1521-1544.