Firmwares for the different applications of the AMC13 uTCA board made at Boston University
 All Classes Variables
1 -- Top level for the ipbus transactor module
2 --
3 -- Handles the decoding of ipbus packets and the transactions
4 -- on the bus itself,
5 --
6 -- This is the new version for ipbus 2.0
7 --
8 -- Dave Newbold, October 2012
10 library ieee;
11 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
12 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
14 library work;
15 use work.ipbus.all;
16 use work.ipbus_trans_decl.all;
18 entity transactor is
19  port(
20  clk: in std_logic; -- IPbus clock
21  rst: in std_logic; -- Sync reset
22  ipb_out: out ipb_wbus; -- IPbus bus signals
23  ipb_in: in ipb_rbus;
24  ipb_req: out std_logic; -- Bus arbitrator signals
25  ipb_grant: in std_logic;
26  trans_in: in ipbus_trans_in; -- Interface to packet buffers
27  trans_out: out ipbus_trans_out;
28  cfg_vector_in: in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
29  cfg_vector_out: out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
30  pkt_rx: out std_logic; -- 'Activity LED' lines (need stretching externally)
31  pkt_tx: out std_logic
32  );
34 end transactor;
36 architecture rtl of transactor is
38  signal rx_data, tx_data: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
39  signal rx_ready, rx_next, tx_we, tx_hdr, tx_err: std_logic;
40  signal cfg_we: std_logic;
41  signal cfg_addr: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
42  signal cfg_din, cfg_dout: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
44 begin
46  iface: entity work.transactor_if
47  port map(
48  clk => clk,
49  rst => rst,
50  trans_in => trans_in,
51  trans_out => trans_out,
52  ipb_req => ipb_req,
53  ipb_grant => ipb_grant,
54  rx_ready => rx_ready,
55  rx_next => rx_next,
56  rx_data => rx_data,
57  tx_data => tx_data,
58  tx_we => tx_we,
59  tx_hdr => tx_hdr,
60  tx_err => tx_err,
61  pkt_rx => pkt_rx,
62  pkt_tx => pkt_tx
63  );
65  sm: entity work.transactor_sm
66  port map(
67  clk => clk,
68  rst => rst,
69  rx_data => rx_data,
70  rx_ready => rx_ready,
71  rx_next => rx_next,
72  tx_data => tx_data,
73  tx_we => tx_we,
74  tx_hdr => tx_hdr,
75  tx_err => tx_err,
76  ipb_out => ipb_out,
77  ipb_in => ipb_in,
78  cfg_we => cfg_we,
79  cfg_addr => cfg_addr,
80  cfg_din => cfg_dout,
81  cfg_dout => cfg_din
82  );
84  cfg: entity work.transactor_cfg
85  port map(
86  clk => clk,
87  rst => rst,
88  we => cfg_we ,
89  addr => cfg_addr,
90  din => cfg_din,
91  dout => cfg_dout,
92  vec_in => cfg_vector_in,
93  vec_out => cfg_vector_out
94  );
96 end rtl;