This is the second semester of an advanced graduate course on phenomenological aspects of modern particle physics. We will study the standard model of strong and electro-weak interactions in more detail than in the first semester and discuss popular extensions of the standard model. Specific topics include flavor physics, CP violation, neutrino physics, naturalness of the Higgs sector, grand unified theories, beyond the standard model physics. Wherever appropriate we discuss how the physics covered in lecture could be observed in experiments.
The course syllabus.
Peskin's notes are here, his nice book on ``Concepts of Elementary Particle Physics" is now published, and the Appendix which contains the Feynman rules and other useful QFT stuff is here.
Parton distribution functions are available as a mathematica package. To use them, download this demo mathematica notebook and place it in the same directory as this auxiliary file. Open the demo notebook with mathematica and evaluate the various lines to learn how to use the pdfs.
H. Georgi and S.L. Glashow "Unity of all elementary-particle forces" (1974, 4 pages)Url: