Archive for the ‘Grid and Panda’ Category

Grid Setup on the Terriers

Monday, June 21st, 2010

To setup an ATLAS grid environment on the Terriers the prescription is slightly different from lxplus computers. This is due to the 32-bit architecture, and python version compatibility. The correct commands and order are as follows:

  • source /afs/ py26
  • voms-proxy-init -voms atlas

If one is starting from scratch, they should follow the detailed step by step instructions found here:

Briefly, the necessary pieces are:

  1. Obtain a US-Grid certificate, export it from your browser, and install it in your home area in a directory called .globus
  2. Join the ATLAS VO
  3. Prepare your grid certificate by generating usercert.pem and userkey.pem files.
  4. Initialize your user interface, described in the link for lxplus and above for the terriers. This must be done every time you want to use the grid.

Filtering ESDs on the Grid

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Using the command one can filter ESDs given a list of events. Here is a perscription for how to do that using the Grid. These commands have been tested and validated using release on a lxplus node.

  1. Create a file called eventlist.txt containing the events you want to select. The format should have two columns the first is run number the second is event number. This file must be in the local directory where you will issue the prun command.
  2. Set up your release and grid environment. I have used
  3. Issue the following command in a directory containing the file eventlist.txt:
    %>prun –exec “ filter-files -o filter.ESD.pool.root -s eventlist.txt \`echo %IN | sed ‘s/,/ /g’\`” –outputs filter.ESD.pool.root –athenaTag=,AtlasProduction –nFilesPerJob 12 –dbRelease LATEST –inDS ESDDATASET –outDS OUTPUTDATASETNAME
    Here you would like to change ESDDATASET to the dataset you wish to run on, and OUTPUTDATSETNAME to the output dataset name. Everything else should be the same.
  4. When the prun jobs have completed dq2-get the results using:
  5. cd to the directory of OUTPUTDATSETNAME
  6. Merge the output ESD files with the following command: –omitvalidation=ALL inputESDFile=`ls user*.root* | tr -d ‘\n’ |sed ‘s/.rootu/.root,u/g’` –ignoreerrors=ALL autoConfiguration=everything outputESDFile=Filter.merge.ESD.pool.root

This final command will produce a single output file from all the subjob ESDs, it ignores ESDs with zero entries, and the time it takes to run is dependent on the number of ESDs. For run 156682 with 66 subjobs it took ~10min to run interactively on an lxplus node. In total this took ~40min from start to finish.