We invite you to attend the fifth annual New England Particle Physics Student Retreat (NEPPSR), which will be held August 14-18 on Cape Cod. This retreat is intended for students who have completed their first year of graduate study and are interested in pursuing a PhD in particle physics or particle astrophysics. There will be seminars on current research topics in the field as well as those lectures on material that never seems to get covered in the usual graduate curriculum, such as analysis methods, statistics, electronics, and detector technology. Faculty from the participating schools will be attending the retreat and leading the seminars and lectures. The schedule for the week is under preparation, but it will look very much like previous schedules available below.

For the first two years NEPPSR took place in New Hampshire's White Mountains, but recently we have been using the Craigville Conference Center, near Hyannis, which is run by the UCC denomination and is located on a bluff overlooking the beach. For some pictures take a look at http://www.hepl.harvard.edu/~gwb/NEPPSR_Photos/Craigville.html. We will have the use of two large houses (the Lodge and the Manor). There are several very nice meeting spaces with great views. We will have continental breakfast served at the Lodge, and will make a 10 minute walk to the Craigville Inn for lunch and dinner. And of course there is a gorgeous beach a short walk away. When not engaged at work or play, participants can maintain contact with the real world by high speed internet, kindly provided by Comcast.

To register for the retreat, please fill out this online form.

7:45 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
9:00 Tracking Detectors
Morii - Harvard
Sciolla - MIT
Accelerators 1
Barletta - MIT

whale watch
(click for pictures)

free time

box lunch today

Neutrinos 2
Kearns - BU

Oliver - Harvard

Blocker - Brandeis

Neutrinos 1
Formaggio - MIT

Low Energy Electroweak
Kumar - UMass
11:45 lunch lunch lunch lunch
1:00 Hadron Collider Techniques
Guimaraes da Costa - Harvard
Analysis Project Talk
Willocq - U. Mass
Butler - B.U.
Surrow - MIT
LHC Experiments
Rohlf - BU
2:15 Likelihood
Gay - Yale
project time Accelerators 2
Barletta - MIT
Electroweak Expts.
Fisher - MIT

Dark Matter
Fisher - MIT

3:45 ROOT Tutorials
Raaf - BU &
Black - Harvard
LHC Theory
Katz - BU
Zaldarriaga - Harvard

Schmaltz - BU
5:00 Social hour Social hour Social hour Social hour  
5:45 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner  
8:00   Student seminars Round Table Project Finale  
Student seminars
NEPPSR 2006 Photographs: (album)


Transportation: Ride sharing is being organized, please contact your local university representative or this year's chairmen: (kearns@bu.edu, willocq@physics.umass.edu). Other transportation options:
  • Bus between Hyannis and Boston (South Station, Park Square, Logan Airport) to Hyannis. http://www.p-b.com/
    Call us at the Craigville Conference Center when you arrive and we will pick you up in Hyannis.
    This phone number will ring in the Lodge: (508) 771-1865.
  • Driving: use this Google Maps link to make maps and directions: (Craigville Conference Center)
    Here are some low-tech directions annotated with useful details and landmarks: (scanned directions)

2006 Organizing Committee:
Ed Kearns (co-chair), Stephane Willocq (co-chair), Greg Landsberg, Emanuela Barberis, Craig Blocker, George Brandenburg (founder), Peter Fisher, Colin Gay, Masahiro Morii, Meenakshi Narain, Gabriella Sciolla, Krzystof Sliwa.


Previous NEPPSR Web Pages:
NEPPSR I (2002) North Woodstock, New Hampshire [talks]  
NEPPSR II (2003) North Woodstock, New Hampshire [talks]  
NEPPSR III (2004) Craigville, Massachusetts  
NEPPSR IV (2005) Craigville, Massachusetts