Summer Math Course


Assuming a reasonable amount of interest, I'm going to offer an informal, graduate level course covering the topics below. Part of the idea for this course is to finally sit down and do all the math you wish you knew, starting from scratch and doing everything right. It's roughly speaking "math the way the mathematicians do it for non-mathematicians." There are no pre-requisites, but this will be a graduate level course which I think will be pretty challenging.

If you are interested in attending, please send me an email or just show up to the next meeting of the class.

Saul Youssef

Time: Friday, 5-6:30 p.m.
Place: 3 Cummington Street, Rm. 595
First meeting: June 21, 2013


  1. Category theory | Categories and sets | homework | solutions
  2. Algebra | Group theory | homework | solutions
  3. Vector spaces | Vector spaces I | homework | Vector spaces II
  4. Topology | homework | Topology
  5. Analysis | Calculus...of variations, a tiny bit of analysis
  6. Differential topology | Differential Topology
  7. Lie groups | Lie groups
  8. Vector Bundles and Gauge theory
[*] Examples or applications

Reference materials