library IEEE; library WORK; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; package mydefs is constant version : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"5E00000D"; --this constant is defined to have 1 ms with a 125 Mhz constant freq_used: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"0001E848"; end package mydefs; -- version ....... -- -- --***************************************************************** -- version "5E00000D" 29/04/2016 -- error on retransmit signal increase tinout x1E0 to x200 --***************************************************************** -- version "5E00000C" 25/04/2016 -- Bug on Timeout -- add debug on event_ongoing and DUP Header and Trailer --***************************************************************** -- version "5E00000B" 12/02/2016 -- reset the pckt_send counter by daq side --***************************************************************** -- version "5E00000A" 29/09/2015 -- Change the signal used to set the serdes_init -- we used gtx_rxcdrlock (datasheet mention that this signal is reserved since 12/2012) -- we use now rxbyteisaligned --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000009" 24/09/2015 -- Did some resync reset on Event_generator --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000008" 30/03/2015 -- Resync all reset signals -- large RESET pulse (5 clocks) -- disable all write to SLINKXpress incase of LInkDown --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000007" 21/01/2015 -- Add the frequency measure -- large RESET pulse (3 clocks) ;resync LINKDown and Test _mode --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000006" 18/12/2014 -- Change the CRC instance name :CRC_SLINKx & CRC_generator -- --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000005" 09/12/2014 -- registes data Uctrl and WEn in INPUT of the core -- --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000004" -- fixe a bug on CRC compute in the SLINK sender part -- --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000003"; -- Add a retrasnmit counter -- Counter data has move to 64 bit --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000002"; -- Add the reset of the FIFO between FED and Core done by the resync command -- which reset the sync_num to '1'and flush the internal 4 buffers --***************************************************************** -- version "5E000001"; -- Add some status readable from FED and DAQ side --***************************************************************** -- version "00000000"; -- Beta version used by HCAL and TCDS --*****************************************************************