Firmwares for the different applications of the AMC13 uTCA board made at Boston University
 All Classes Variables
1 -- Calculates 16 bit 1's compliment or 2's compliment sum a byte at a time
2 -- For 2's compliment first byte is the high byte
3 --
4 -- Dave Sankey, June 2012
6 library ieee;
7 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
8 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
10 entity udp_byte_sum is
11  port (
12  mac_clk: in std_logic;
13  do_sum: in std_logic;
14  clr_sum: in std_logic;
15  mac_rx_data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
16  mac_rx_valid: in std_logic;
17  int_data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
18  int_valid: in std_logic;
19  cksum: in std_logic;
20  run_byte_sum: in std_logic;
21  outbyte: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
22  );
23 end udp_byte_sum;
25 architecture rtl of udp_byte_sum is
27  signal carry_bit: std_logic;
28  signal hi_byte, lo_byte: unsigned(8 downto 0);
30 begin
32  outbyte <= std_logic_vector(hi_byte(7 downto 0));
34 lo_byte_calc: process (mac_clk)
35  variable hi_byte_int, lo_byte_int : unsigned(8 downto 0);
36  variable int_data_buf: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
37  variable clr_sum_buf, int_valid_buf: std_logic;
38  begin
39  if rising_edge(mac_clk) then
40  if do_sum = '1' and clr_sum = '1' then
41  clr_sum_buf := '1';
42  end if;
43  if do_sum = '1' and int_valid = '1' then
44  int_data_buf := int_data;
45  int_valid_buf := '1';
46  end if;
47  if mac_rx_valid = '1' or run_byte_sum = '1' then
48  if clr_sum_buf = '1' then
49  hi_byte_int := (Others => '0');
50  clr_sum_buf := '0';
51  else
52  hi_byte_int := hi_byte;
53  end if;
54  if do_sum = '1' then
55  if int_valid_buf = '1' then
56  lo_byte_int := unsigned('0' & int_data_buf);
57  int_valid_buf := '0';
58  else
59  lo_byte_int := unsigned('0' & mac_rx_data);
60  end if;
61  else
62  lo_byte_int := (Others => '0');
63  end if;
64  end if;
65  lo_byte <= hi_byte_int + lo_byte_int
66 -- pragma translate_off
67  after 4 ns
68 -- pragma translate_on
69  ;
70  end if;
71  end process;
73 hi_byte_calc: process (mac_clk)
74  variable carry_bit_int, hi_lo, clr_sum_buf : std_logic;
75  variable hi_byte_int : unsigned(8 downto 0);
76  begin
77  if rising_edge(mac_clk) then
78  if do_sum = '1' and clr_sum = '1' then
79  clr_sum_buf := '1';
80  end if;
81  if mac_rx_valid = '1' or run_byte_sum = '1' then
82  if clr_sum_buf = '1' then
83  hi_byte_int := (Others => '0');
84  carry_bit_int := '0';
85  hi_lo := '1';
86  clr_sum_buf := '0';
87  else
88  if carry_bit = '1' and hi_lo = '1' then
89  hi_byte_int := unsigned('0' & lo_byte(7 downto 0)) + 1;
90  else
91  hi_byte_int := unsigned('0' & lo_byte(7 downto 0));
92  end if;
93  carry_bit_int := lo_byte(8);
94  hi_lo := cksum or not hi_lo;
95  end if;
96  end if;
97  carry_bit <= carry_bit_int
98 -- pragma translate_off
99  after 4 ns
100 -- pragma translate_on
101  ;
102  hi_byte <= hi_byte_int
103 -- pragma translate_off
104  after 4 ns
105 -- pragma translate_on
106  ;
107  end if;
108  end process;
110 end rtl;