Firmwares for the different applications of the AMC13 uTCA board made at Boston University
 All Classes Variables
1 -- Shim for ipbus.
2 --
3 -- Splits back to back transactions apart (i.e. strobe will go low between transactions)
4 -- Waits for acknowledge to go low before starting anotherv transaction
5 --
6 -- Greg Iles, July 2012
8 library IEEE;
9 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
10 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
11 use work.ipbus.all;
13 entity ipbus_shim is
14  generic(
15  ENABLE : boolean := true
16  );
17  port(
18  clk: in std_logic;
19  reset: in std_logic;
20  ipbus_in: in ipb_wbus;
21  ipbus_out: out ipb_rbus;
22  ipbus_shim_out: out ipb_wbus;
23  ipbus_shim_in: in ipb_rbus
24  );
26 end ipbus_shim;
28 architecture rtl of ipbus_shim is
30  type type_shim_state is (idle, wait_for_ack_start, wait_for_ack_stop);
31  signal shim_state: type_shim_state := idle;
33 begin
35  -- Would timeout be wise? Good for robustness, but not debugging.
38  shim_en: if (ENABLE = true) generate
39  shim_sm: process(clk)
40  begin
41  if rising_edge(clk) then
42  if reset='1' then
43  shim_state <= idle;
44  ipbus_shim_out <= (ipb_addr => x"00000000", ipb_wdata => x"00000000", ipb_strobe => '0', ipb_write => '0');
45  ipbus_out <= (ipb_rdata => x"00000000", ipb_ack => '0', ipb_err => '0');
46  else
47  case shim_state is
48  when idle =>
49  if ipbus_in.ipb_strobe='1' then
50  shim_state <= wait_for_ack_start;
51  ipbus_shim_out <= ipbus_in;
52  end if;
53  when wait_for_ack_start =>
54  if ipbus_shim_in.ipb_ack = '1' then
55  -- Send data back to master
56  ipbus_out.ipb_ack <= '1';
57  ipbus_out.ipb_err <= ipbus_shim_in.ipb_err;
58  ipbus_out.ipb_rdata <= ipbus_shim_in.ipb_rdata;
59  -- Negate strobe
60  ipbus_shim_out.ipb_strobe <= '0';
61  shim_state <= wait_for_ack_stop;
62  end if;
63  when wait_for_ack_stop =>
64  ipbus_out.ipb_ack <= '0';
65  if ipbus_shim_in.ipb_ack = '0' then
66  shim_state <= idle;
67  end if;
68  when others =>
69  shim_state <= idle;
70  end case;
71  end if;
72  end if;
73  end process;
74  end generate;
76  shim_dis: if (enable = false) generate
77  ipbus_shim_out <= ipbus_in;
78  ipbus_out <= ipbus_shim_in;
79  end generate;
81 end rtl;