Firmwares for the different applications of the AMC13 uTCA board made at Boston University
This is the complete list of members for ttc_if, including all inherited members.
amc13_pack (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | use clause |
BC0 (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
BCN_off (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
cal_win_high (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
cal_win_low (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
CalType (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
CDRclk_n (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
CDRclk_out (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
CDRclk_p (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
CDRdata_n (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
CDRdata_p (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
clk (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
DB_cmd_in (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
DB_cmd_out (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
din (defined in Threshold) | Threshold | Port |
DIV4 (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
DIV_nRST (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
dout (defined in Threshold) | Threshold | Port |
en_brcst (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
en_cal_win (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
en_localL1A (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
event_number (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
event_number_avl (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
evn_fifo_full (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
EvnRSt_l (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
HCAL_trigger (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
IgnoreDAQ (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
inc_bcnterr (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
inc_derr (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
inc_l1ac (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
inc_oc (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
inc_serr (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ipb_addr (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ipb_clk (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ipb_rdata (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ipb_strobe (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ipb_wdata (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ipb_write (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
local_TTC | ttc_if | Port |
local_TTCcmd (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
LocalL1A_cfg (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
localL1A_periodic (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
localL1A_r (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
localL1A_s (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
nongap_size (defined in Threshold) | Threshold | Port |
numeric_std (defined in SCRAMBLER) | SCRAMBLER | use clause |
OC_off (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
OcnRSt_l (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ovfl_warning (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
rate_OFW (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
refclk (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
reset (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
rst_PLL (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
run (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
single_TTCcmd (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
state (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
sync_lost (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
sys_lock (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
T3_trigger (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
trig_BX (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_bcnt_err (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTC_Brcst (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_derr (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_evcnt_reset (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTC_LOL (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTC_LOS (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_ready (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_serr (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_soft_reset (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_start (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
ttc_stop (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTC_strobe (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTCdata_n (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTCdata_p (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Port |
TTS_clk | ttc_if | Port |
TX_DATA_WIDTH (defined in SCRAMBLER) | SCRAMBLER | Generic |
UNIMACRO (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Library |
UNISIM (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | Library |
USER_CLK (defined in SCRAMBLER) | SCRAMBLER | Port |
VCOMPONENTS (defined in SCRAMBLER) | SCRAMBLER | use clause |
vcomponents (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | use clause |
VComponents (defined in ttc_if) | ttc_if | use clause |