2018.3: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 10) * General: Improved open_checkpoint runtime by re-writing inefficient get_pins queries. 2018.2: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 9) * No changes 2018.1: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 9) * General: Added support for xa7a12tcpg238, xa7a12tcsg325, xa7a25tcpg238 and xa7a25csg325 Artix-7 devices. 2017.4: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 8) * Bug Fix: Fixed logic related to XAZU devices support * Bug Fix: Fixed GUI to follow Zync datasheet condition to not support 2 byte internal data width for line rates above 5.0 Gbps * Bug Fix: Updated the DRC used for checking valid Reference Clock selection 2017.3: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 7) * No changes 2017.2: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 7) * Bug Fix: txpmareset port is added as optional port 2017.1: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 6) * Bug Fix: When chipscope is enabled, userrdy is made an input, the userrdy to GT channel primitive is now asserted only if both the input and signal from resetfsm are asserted: AR68829 * Feature Enhancement: Maximum Line rate increased to 10.3125 gbps for XC7K70TFBG484 and XC7K70TFBV484 devices * Feature Enhancement: Maximum Line rate increased to 10.3125 gbps for XC7K160TFBG484 and XC7K160TFBV484 devices * Feature Enhancement: Maximum Line rate increased to 10.3125 gbps for XC7K160TIFBG484 and XC7K160TIFBV484 devices * Other: Dont touch attribute added for GTZ based design devices: AR67714 2016.4: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 5) * General: Added support for XC7A12TCPG236 and XC7A25TCPG236 devices 2016.3: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 4) * Feature Enhancement: JESD204 template preset for align_comma_word updated * Feature Enhancement: resetdones updated for JESD template based configurations * Other: Added support for XC7A12TCSG325, XC7A25TCSG325 and XC7Z012SCLG485 devices 2016.2: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 3) * COMMON_CFG[6] attribute value updated for configurations with QPLL on GTH transceiver based devices 2016.1: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 2) * RX_CM_TRIM attribute for Display Port Preset updated for GTH and GTP transceiver based devices * ACCLK_TERM_EN_0 and ACCLK_TERM_EN_1 updated for GTZ transceiver based devices as per latest UG478 2015.4.2: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 1) * No changes 2015.4.1: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 1) * No changes 2015.4: * Version 3.6 (Rev. 1) * Added support for new speedgrades of XQ7K325T and XQ7K410T devices * Added support for new speedgrades of XQ7Z030, XQ7Z045 and XQ7Z100 devices * Added support for new speedgrade of XQ7A050T, XQ7A100T and XQ7A200T devices 2015.3: * Version 3.6 * Added support for XC7Z030SBV485 devices * Added GUI option to extend CPLL or QPLL reset by 3 ms * Added HDMI template support for GTX and GTP based devices * Renamed vby1 template to vby1_no_SSC * Added PRBS patterns for raw encoding for GTZ 2015.2.1: * Version 3.5 (Rev. 1) * No changes 2015.2: * Version 3.5 (Rev. 1) * Added support for XQ7Z045RFG676, XQ7Z100RF1156 and XQ7VX690TRF1158 devices * Updated the GTZ design to release the resets of individual lanes one after another starting from master lane . 2015.1: * Version 3.5 * Updated the GTZ CTLE tuning code to enable tuning of individual lanes. * Added separate resets for TX and RX startup FSMs except for GTZ. 2014.4.1: * Version 3.4 (Rev. 1) * No changes 2014.4: * Version 3.4 (Rev. 1) * Added SATA gen1 and SATA gen2 templates for GTX and GTP * Added support for XC7A15T, XC7A15TI, XA7A15T, XC7A35TI, XC7A50TI, XC7A75TI, XC7A100TI and XC7A200TI devices * Added support for XC7Z015I, XC7Z030I, XC7Z045I, XC7Z035, XC7Z035I and XC7Z100I devices * Added support for XC7K160TI, XC7K325TI, XC7K355TI, XC7K410TI, XC7K420TI and XC7K480TI devices 2014.3: * Version 3.4 * Production updates to GTZ * Added SATA template for GTX and GTP * Removed logic to keep QPLL in powerdown till reference clock is available * Removed PCIE template 2014.2: * Version 3.3 * Added support for rf900 package for defense-grade(XQ) Zynq 7045 * Added logic to keep CPLL/QPLL in powerdown till reference clock is available * Fixed multiple reset issue for GTH/GTP. * Modified constraint files for false paths(Design Advisory 60356) 2014.1: * Version 3.2 * Added support for Aartix35T, Aartix50T, Aartix75T * Fixed simulation issue for GTX Bufferbypass AUTO mode * Added support for XC7VH870T and XC7VH580T FLG package devices 2013.4: * Version 3.1 * Reset FSM updates- removed the posedge detection logic for plllock * GTZ updates- added new line rate support and updated xdc file for the constraints * Increased the number of optional transceiver control and status ports * Added support for Artix35t and Artix50t devices 2013.3: * Version 3.0 * Updated GTH Attributes and QPLL range - Refer to AR 56332 and DS183 * Updated GTZ Attributes and Clocking * Updated timing constraints (XDC) to resolve Critical Warnings and added support for out-of-context synthesis * Updated timing constraints for recovered clocks in IP level.For details, refer to Migrating section of Product Guide - pg168-gtwizard.pdf * Updated TX and RX FSM to fix MMCM lock synchronization and simulation issues (for all GTs) * GTX TX buffer bypass is enabled in both Manual & Auto modes for single lane as per UG476. * Added check in the GUI to disallow mixed encode/decode for TX and RX * Added GUI option to include or exclude Vivado Lab tools support for debug * Removed LPM and DFE Manual mode option from the GUI * Added checks to limit DRP frequency selection * Protocol templates updated for -- Display port, sRIO gen2, CEI6, Aurora 8B10b * Reduced warnings in synthesis and simulation * Enhanced Support for IP Integrator * Added support for Cadence IES and Synopsys VCS simulators * Updated clock synchronizers for clock domain crossing to reduce Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) from met stability * Added GUI option to include or exclude shareable logic resources. For details, refer to Upgrading in Vivado Design Suite section of Product Guide - pg168-gtwizard.pdf * Added optional ports to enable transceiver core debug - Refer to pg168-gtwizard.pdf * Updated line rate ranges for A7 Wire bond package from 5.4G to 6.25G * Added support for XC7Z015 and XC7A75T * Moved clock constraints for the recovered clocks to core level xdc file from example design level * Added optional vivado (ILA and VIO) lab tools support for core debug in example design 2013.2: * Version 2.6 * New Protocol Templates added for GTH - Interlaken * Updated Port and Attribute Settings to support GTX, GTH and GTP Production Silicon * Increased line rate support for GTZ Transceivers * Support for Asymmetrical data widths on TX and RX (core generation and implementation only, not supported in simulation) 2013.1: * Version 2.5 * Native Vivado release * Support for Production Silicon for GTH and GTP. * New Protocol Templates added for GTH - SRIO multi lane, JESD204 * New Protocol Templates added for GTP - JESD204 (c) Copyright 2010 - 2018 Xilinx, Inc. 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CRITICAL APPLICATIONS Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product liability. THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES.