--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --// ____ ____ --// / /\/ / --// /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx --// \ \ \/ Version : 2.2 --// \ \ Application : 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard --// / / Filename : gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_rx_startup_fsm.vhd --// /___/ /\ --// \ \ / \ --// \___\/\___\ --// --// -- Description : This module performs RX reset and initialization. -- -- -- -- Module gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_rx_startup_fsm -- Generated by Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard -- -- -- (c) Copyright 2010-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. --***************************************************************************** library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_RX_STARTUP_FSM is Generic( EXAMPLE_SIMULATION : integer := 0; GT_TYPE : string := "GTX"; EQ_MODE : string := "DFE"; --RX Equalisation Mode; set to DFE or LPM STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD : integer range 4 to 20 := 8; --Period of the stable clock driving this state-machine, unit is [ns] RETRY_COUNTER_BITWIDTH : integer range 2 to 8 := 8; TX_QPLL_USED : boolean := False; -- the TX and RX Reset FSMs must RX_QPLL_USED : boolean := False; -- share these two generic values PHASE_ALIGNMENT_MANUAL : boolean := True -- Decision if a manual phase-alignment is necessary or the automatic -- is enough. For single-lane applications the automatic alignment is -- sufficient ); Port ( STABLE_CLOCK : in STD_LOGIC; --Stable Clock, either a stable clock from the PCB --or reference-clock present at startup. RXUSERCLK : in STD_LOGIC; --RXUSERCLK as used in the design SOFT_RESET : in STD_LOGIC; --User Reset, can be pulled any time QPLLREFCLKLOST : in STD_LOGIC; --QPLL Reference-clock for the GT is lost CPLLREFCLKLOST : in STD_LOGIC; --CPLL Reference-clock for the GT is lost QPLLLOCK : in STD_LOGIC; --Lock Detect from the QPLL of the GT CPLLLOCK : in STD_LOGIC; --Lock Detect from the CPLL of the GT RXRESETDONE : in STD_LOGIC; MMCM_LOCK : in STD_LOGIC; RECCLK_STABLE : in STD_LOGIC; RECCLK_MONITOR_RESTART : in STD_LOGIC:='0'; DATA_VALID : in STD_LOGIC; TXUSERRDY : in STD_LOGIC; --TXUSERRDY from GT GTRXRESET : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; MMCM_RESET : out STD_LOGIC:='1'; QPLL_RESET : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; --Reset QPLL (only if RX uses QPLL) CPLL_RESET : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; --Reset CPLL (only if RX uses CPLL) RX_FSM_RESET_DONE : out STD_LOGIC; --Reset-sequence has sucessfully been finished. RXUSERRDY : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; RUN_PHALIGNMENT : out STD_LOGIC; PHALIGNMENT_DONE : in STD_LOGIC; RESET_PHALIGNMENT : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; RXDFEAGCHOLD : out STD_LOGIC; RXDFELFHOLD : out STD_LOGIC; RXLPMLFHOLD : out STD_LOGIC; RXLPMHFHOLD : out STD_LOGIC; RETRY_COUNTER : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (RETRY_COUNTER_BITWIDTH-1 downto 0):=(others=>'0')-- Number of -- Retries it took to get the transceiver up and running ); end gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_RX_STARTUP_FSM; --Interdependencies: -- * Timing depends on the frequency of the stable clock. Hence counters-sizes -- are calculated at design-time based on the Generics -- -- * if either of the PLLs is reset during TX-startup, it does not need to be reset again by RX -- => signal which PLL has been reset -- * architecture RTL of gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_RX_STARTUP_FSM is component gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_sync_block generic ( INITIALISE : bit_vector(1 downto 0) := "00" ); port ( clk : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic; data_out : out std_logic ); end component; type rx_rst_fsm_type is( INIT, ASSERT_ALL_RESETS, RELEASE_PLL_RESET, VERIFY_RECCLK_STABLE, RELEASE_MMCM_RESET, WAIT_RESET_DONE, DO_PHASE_ALIGNMENT, MONITOR_DATA_VALID, FSM_DONE); signal rx_state : rx_rst_fsm_type := INIT; --This function decides how many clock-cycle need to be waited until -- a time-out occurs for bypassing the TX-Buffer function get_max_wait_bypass(manual_mode : in boolean) return integer is variable max_wait_cnt: integer; begin if manual_mode then max_wait_cnt := 5000; else max_wait_cnt := 3100; end if; return max_wait_cnt; end function; constant MMCM_LOCK_CNT_MAX : integer := 1024; constant STARTUP_DELAY : integer := 500;--AR43482: Transceiver needs to wait for 500 ns after configuration constant WAIT_CYCLES : integer := STARTUP_DELAY / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD; -- Number of Clock-Cycles to wait after configuration constant WAIT_MAX : integer := WAIT_CYCLES + 10; -- 500 ns plus some additional margin constant WAIT_TIMEOUT_2ms : integer := 2000000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD;-- 2 ms time-out constant WAIT_TLOCK_MAX : integer := 100000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD;--100 us time-out constant WAIT_TIMEOUT_500us : integer := 500000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD;--500 us time-out constant WAIT_TIMEOUT_1us : integer := 1000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD; --1 us time-out constant WAIT_TIMEOUT_30us : integer := 30000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD; --30 us time-out constant WAIT_TIME_ADAPT : integer := (37000000 /integer(1.25))/STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD; signal init_wait_count : integer range 0 to WAIT_MAX:=0; signal init_wait_done : std_logic := '0'; signal pll_reset_asserted : std_logic := '0'; signal rx_fsm_reset_done_int : std_logic := '0'; signal rx_fsm_reset_done_sync : std_logic; constant MAX_RETRIES : integer := 2**RETRY_COUNTER_BITWIDTH-1; signal retry_counter_int : integer range 0 to MAX_RETRIES := 0; signal time_out_counter : integer range 0 to WAIT_TIMEOUT_2ms := 0; signal recclk_mon_restart_count : integer range 0 to 3:= 0; signal recclk_mon_count_reset : std_logic := '0'; signal reset_time_out : std_logic := '0'; signal time_out_2ms : std_logic := '0';--\Flags that the various time-out points signal time_tlock_max : std_logic := '0';--|have been reached. signal time_out_500us : std_logic := '0';--| signal time_out_1us : std_logic := '0';--/ signal time_out_30us : std_logic := '0';--/ signal check_tlock_max : std_logic := '0'; signal mmcm_lock_count : integer range 0 to MMCM_LOCK_CNT_MAX-1:=0; signal mmcm_lock_int : std_logic := '0'; signal mmcm_lock_reclocked : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal run_phase_alignment_int: std_logic := '0'; signal run_phase_alignment_sync: std_logic; constant MAX_WAIT_BYPASS : integer := get_max_wait_bypass(PHASE_ALIGNMENT_MANUAL);--5000 or 3100, depending on whether manual or automatic signal wait_bypass_count : integer range 0 to MAX_WAIT_BYPASS-1; signal time_out_wait_bypass : std_logic := '0'; signal time_out_adapt : std_logic := '0'; signal adapt_count_reset : std_logic := '0'; signal adapt_count : integer range 0 to WAIT_TIME_ADAPT-1; begin --Alias section, signals used within this module mapped to output ports: RETRY_COUNTER <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(retry_counter_int,RETRY_COUNTER_BITWIDTH)); RUN_PHALIGNMENT <= run_phase_alignment_int; RX_FSM_RESET_DONE <= rx_fsm_reset_done_int; process(STABLE_CLOCK) begin if rising_edge(STABLE_CLOCK) then -- The counter starts running when configuration has finished and -- the clock is stable. When its maximum count-value has been reached, -- the 500 ns from Answer Record 43482 have been passed. if init_wait_count = WAIT_MAX then init_wait_done <= '1'; else init_wait_count <= init_wait_count + 1; end if; end if; end process; adapt_wait_sim:if(EXAMPLE_SIMULATION = 1) generate time_out_adapt <= '1'; end generate; adapt_wait_hw:if(EXAMPLE_SIMULATION = 0) generate process(STABLE_CLOCK) begin if rising_edge(STABLE_CLOCK) then if(adapt_count_reset = '1') then adapt_count <= 0; time_out_adapt <= '0'; elsif(adapt_count >= WAIT_TIME_ADAPT) then time_out_adapt <= '1'; else adapt_count <= adapt_count + 1; end if; end if; end process; end generate; retries_recclk_monitor:process(STABLE_CLOCK) begin --This counter monitors, how many retries the RECCLK monitor --runs. If during startup too many retries are necessary, the whole --initialisation-process of the transceivers gets restarted. if rising_edge(STABLE_CLOCK) then if recclk_mon_count_reset = '1' then recclk_mon_restart_count <= 0; elsif RECCLK_MONITOR_RESTART = '1' then if recclk_mon_restart_count = 3 then recclk_mon_restart_count <= 0; else recclk_mon_restart_count <= recclk_mon_restart_count + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; timeouts:process(STABLE_CLOCK) begin if rising_edge(STABLE_CLOCK) then -- One common large counter for generating three time-out signals. -- Intermediate time-outs are derived from calculated values, based -- on the period of the provided clock. if reset_time_out = '1' then time_out_counter <= 0; time_out_2ms <= '0'; time_tlock_max <= '0'; time_out_500us <= '0'; time_out_1us <= '0'; time_out_30us <= '0'; else if time_out_counter = WAIT_TIMEOUT_2ms then time_out_2ms <= '1'; else time_out_counter <= time_out_counter + 1; end if; if (time_out_counter > WAIT_TLOCK_MAX) and (check_tlock_max='1') then time_tlock_max <= '1'; end if; if time_out_counter = WAIT_TIMEOUT_500us then time_out_500us <= '1'; end if; if time_out_counter = WAIT_TIMEOUT_1us then time_out_1us <= '1'; end if; if time_out_counter = WAIT_TIMEOUT_30us then time_out_30us <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; mmcm_lock_wait:process(RXUSERCLK) begin --The lock-signal from the MMCM is not immediately used but --enabling a counter. Only when the counter hits its maximum, --the MMCM is considered as "really" locked. --The counter avoids that the FSM already starts on only a --coarse lock of the MMCM (=toggling of the LOCK-signal). if rising_edge(RXUSERCLK) then if MMCM_LOCK = '0' then mmcm_lock_count <= 0; mmcm_lock_int <= '0'; else if mmcm_lock_count < MMCM_LOCK_CNT_MAX - 1 then mmcm_lock_count <= mmcm_lock_count + 1; else mmcm_lock_int <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; reclocking:process(STABLE_CLOCK) --Reclocking onto the FSM-clock. begin if rising_edge(STABLE_CLOCK) then if MMCM_LOCK = '0' then --The reset-signal is here on purpose. This avoids --getting the shift-register targetted to an SRL. --The reason for this is that an SRL will not help --on the cross-clock domain but "real" Flip-flops will. mmcm_lock_reclocked <= (others => '0'); else mmcm_lock_reclocked(3) <= mmcm_lock_int; mmcm_lock_reclocked(2 downto 0) <= mmcm_lock_reclocked(3 downto 1); end if; end if; end process; sync_block_run_phase_alignment : gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_sync_block port map ( clk => RXUSERCLK, data_in => run_phase_alignment_int, data_out => run_phase_alignment_sync ); sync_block_rx_fsm_reset_done : gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_4_sync_block port map ( clk => RXUSERCLK, data_in => rx_fsm_reset_done_int, data_out => rx_fsm_reset_done_sync ); timeout_buffer_bypass:process(RXUSERCLK) begin if rising_edge(RXUSERCLK) then if run_phase_alignment_sync = '0' then wait_bypass_count <= 0; time_out_wait_bypass <= '0'; elsif (run_phase_alignment_sync = '1') and (rx_fsm_reset_done_sync = '0') then if wait_bypass_count = MAX_WAIT_BYPASS - 1 then time_out_wait_bypass <= '1'; else wait_bypass_count <= wait_bypass_count + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; --FSM for resetting the GTX/GTH/GTP in the 7-series. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- Following steps are performed: -- 1) After configuration wait for approximately 500 ns as specified in -- answer-record 43482 -- 2) Assert all resets on the GT and on an MMCM potentially connected. -- After that wait until a reference-clock has been detected. -- 3) Release the reset to the GT and wait until the GT-PLL has locked. -- 4) Release the MMCM-reset and wait until the MMCM has signalled lock. -- Also get info from the TX-side which PLL has been reset. -- 5) Wait for the RESET_DONE-signal from the GT. -- 6) Signal to start the phase-alignment procedure and wait for it to -- finish. -- 7) Reset-sequence has successfully run through. Signal this to the -- rest of the design by asserting RX_FSM_RESET_DONE. reset_fsm:process(STABLE_CLOCK) begin if rising_edge(STABLE_CLOCK) then if SOFT_RESET = '1' then rx_state <= INIT; RXUSERRDY <= '0'; GTRXRESET <= '0'; MMCM_RESET <= '1'; rx_fsm_reset_done_int <= '0'; QPLL_RESET <= '0'; CPLL_RESET <= '0'; pll_reset_asserted <= '0'; reset_time_out <= '1'; retry_counter_int <= 0; run_phase_alignment_int <= '0'; check_tlock_max <= '0'; RESET_PHALIGNMENT <= '1'; recclk_mon_count_reset <= '1'; adapt_count_reset <= '1'; RXDFEAGCHOLD <= '0'; RXDFELFHOLD <= '0'; RXLPMLFHOLD <= '0'; RXLPMHFHOLD <= '0'; else case rx_state is when INIT => --Initial state after configuration. This state will be left after --approx. 500 ns and not be re-entered. if init_wait_done = '1' then rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; end if; when ASSERT_ALL_RESETS => --This is the state into which the FSM will always jump back if any --time-outs will occur. --The number of retries is reported on the output RETRY_COUNTER. In --case the transceiver never comes up for some reason, this machine --will still continue its best and rerun until the FPGA is turned off --or the transceivers come up correctly. if RX_QPLL_USED and not TX_QPLL_USED then if pll_reset_asserted = '0' then QPLL_RESET <= '1'; pll_reset_asserted <= '1'; else QPLL_RESET <= '0'; end if; elsif not RX_QPLL_USED and TX_QPLL_USED then if pll_reset_asserted = '0' then CPLL_RESET <= '1'; pll_reset_asserted <= '1'; else CPLL_RESET <= '0'; end if; end if; RXUSERRDY <= '0'; GTRXRESET <= '1'; MMCM_RESET <= '1'; run_phase_alignment_int <= '0'; RESET_PHALIGNMENT <= '1'; check_tlock_max <= '0'; recclk_mon_count_reset <= '1'; adapt_count_reset <= '1'; if (RX_QPLL_USED and (QPLLREFCLKLOST = '0') and pll_reset_asserted = '1') or (not RX_QPLL_USED and TX_QPLL_USED and (CPLLREFCLKLOST = '0') and pll_reset_asserted = '1') or (not RX_QPLL_USED and not TX_QPLL_USED and (CPLLREFCLKLOST = '0') ) or (RX_QPLL_USED and TX_QPLL_USED and (QPLLREFCLKLOST = '0') ) then rx_state <= RELEASE_PLL_RESET; reset_time_out <= '1'; end if; when RELEASE_PLL_RESET => --PLL-Reset of the GTX gets released and the time-out counter --starts running. pll_reset_asserted <= '0'; reset_time_out <= '0'; if (RX_QPLL_USED and (QPLLLOCK = '1')) or (not RX_QPLL_USED and (CPLLLOCK = '1')) then rx_state <= VERIFY_RECCLK_STABLE; reset_time_out <= '1'; recclk_mon_count_reset <= '0'; adapt_count_reset <= '0'; end if; if time_out_2ms = '1' then if retry_counter_int = MAX_RETRIES then -- If too many retries are performed compared to what is specified in -- the generic, the counter simply wraps around. retry_counter_int <= 0; else retry_counter_int <= retry_counter_int + 1; end if; rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; end if; when VERIFY_RECCLK_STABLE => --reset_time_out <= '0'; --Time-out counter is not released in this state as here the FSM --does not wait for a certain period of time but checks on the number --of retries in the RECCLK monitor GTRXRESET <= '0'; if RECCLK_STABLE = '1' then rx_state <= RELEASE_MMCM_RESET; reset_time_out <= '1'; end if; if recclk_mon_restart_count = 2 then --If two retries are performed in the RECCLK monitor --the whole initialisation-sequence gets restarted. if retry_counter_int = MAX_RETRIES then -- If too many retries are performed compared to what is specified in -- the generic, the counter simply wraps around. retry_counter_int <= 0; else retry_counter_int <= retry_counter_int + 1; end if; rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; end if; when RELEASE_MMCM_RESET => --Release of the MMCM-reset. Waiting for the MMCM to lock. reset_time_out <= '0'; check_tlock_max <= '1'; MMCM_RESET <= '0'; if mmcm_lock_reclocked(0) = '1' then rx_state <= WAIT_RESET_DONE; reset_time_out <= '1'; end if; if time_tlock_max = '1' then if retry_counter_int = MAX_RETRIES then -- If too many retries are performed compared to what is specified in -- the generic, the counter simply wraps around. retry_counter_int <= 0; else retry_counter_int <= retry_counter_int + 1; end if; rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; end if; when WAIT_RESET_DONE => --When TXOUTCLK is the source for RXUSRCLK, RXUSERRDY depends on TXUSERRDY --If RXOUTCLK is the source for RXUSRCLK, TXUSERRDY can be tied to '1' if TXUSERRDY = '1' then RXUSERRDY <= '1'; end if; reset_time_out <= '0'; if RXRESETDONE = '1' then rx_state <= DO_PHASE_ALIGNMENT; reset_time_out <= '1'; end if; if time_out_500us = '1' then if retry_counter_int = MAX_RETRIES then -- If too many retries are performed compared to what is specified in -- the generic, the counter simply wraps around. retry_counter_int <= 0; else retry_counter_int <= retry_counter_int + 1; end if; rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; end if; when DO_PHASE_ALIGNMENT => --The direct handling of the signals for the Phase Alignment is done outside --this state-machine. RESET_PHALIGNMENT <= '0'; run_phase_alignment_int <= '1'; reset_time_out <= '0'; if PHALIGNMENT_DONE = '1' then rx_state <= MONITOR_DATA_VALID; reset_time_out <= '1'; end if; if time_out_wait_bypass = '1' then if retry_counter_int = MAX_RETRIES then -- If too many retries are performed compared to what is specified in -- the generic, the counter simply wraps around. retry_counter_int <= 0; else retry_counter_int <= retry_counter_int + 1; end if; rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; end if; when MONITOR_DATA_VALID => reset_time_out <= '0'; if(time_out_30us = '1' and DATA_VALID ='0') then rx_state <= ASSERT_ALL_RESETS; rx_fsm_reset_done_int <= '0'; elsif (DATA_VALID = '1') then rx_state <= FSM_DONE; rx_fsm_reset_done_int <= '0'; reset_time_out <= '1'; end if; when FSM_DONE => reset_time_out <= '0'; if DATA_VALID = '0' then rx_fsm_reset_done_int <= '0'; reset_time_out <= '1'; rx_state <= MONITOR_DATA_VALID; elsif(time_out_1us = '1') then rx_fsm_reset_done_int <= '1'; end if; if(time_out_adapt = '1') then if((GT_TYPE = "GTX" or GT_TYPE = "GTH") and EQ_MODE = "DFE") then RXDFEAGCHOLD <= '1'; RXDFELFHOLD <= '1'; elsif(GT_TYPE = "GTH" and EQ_MODE = "LPM") then RXLPMHFHOLD <= '1'; RXLPMLFHOLD <= '1'; end if; end if; end case; end if; end if; end process; end RTL;