Release 14.7 - ngc2edif P_INT.20180726 (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Reading design sdpram_16x10_32x9.ngc ... WARNING:NetListWriters:298 - No output is written to sdpram_16x10_32x9.xncf, ignored. Processing design ... Preping design's networks ... Preping design's macros ... finished :Prep Writing EDIF netlist file sdpram_16x10_32x9.edif ... ngc2edif: Total memory usage is 4321768 kilobytes Release 14.7 - ngc2edif P_INT.20180726 (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Reading design sdpram_32x9_16x10.ngc ... WARNING:NetListWriters:298 - No output is written to sdpram_32x9_16x10.xncf, ignored. Processing design ... Preping design's networks ... Preping design's macros ... finished :Prep Writing EDIF netlist file sdpram_32x9_16x10.edif ... ngc2edif: Total memory usage is 4321768 kilobytes