//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // (c) Copyright 2013-2015 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. 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Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // *************************** // * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE * // *************************** `timescale 1ps/1ps module gtwizard_ultrascale_v1_7_5_gtwiz_userdata_rx #( parameter integer P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH = 32, parameter integer P_RX_DATA_DECODING = 0, parameter integer P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS = 1 )( input wire [(P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS*128)-1:0] rxdata_in, input wire [(P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS* 16)-1:0] rxctrl0_in, input wire [(P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS* 16)-1:0] rxctrl1_in, output wire [(P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS*P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH)-1:0] gtwiz_userdata_rx_out ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Receiver user data width sizing conditional generation, based on parameter values in module instantiation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (1) begin : gen_gtwiz_userdata_rx_main genvar ch_idx; // If receiver data decoding is either not raw mode, or is raw mode but user data width is not modulus 10, then // simply assign the user-facing data vector with the active data bits from the transceiver-facing RXDATA vector. if ((P_RX_DATA_DECODING != 0) || ((P_RX_DATA_DECODING == 0) && (P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH % 10 != 0))) begin : gen_rxdata for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ch_idx = ch_idx + 1) begin : gen_assign assign gtwiz_userdata_rx_out[(P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH*ch_idx)+P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH-1: (P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH*ch_idx)] = rxdata_in[(128*ch_idx)+P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH-1:(128*ch_idx)]; end end // If receiver data decoding is raw mode and user data width is modulus 10, then assign the user-facing data vector // with the specified combination of transceiver-facing RXDATA, RXCTRL0, and RXCTRL1 vectors. The interleaving of // these vectors is always in a repeating 8-1-1 bit pattern, scaling with the user data width size. else begin : gen_rxdata_rxctrl case (P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH) 20: for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ch_idx = ch_idx + 1) begin : gen_width20 assign gtwiz_userdata_rx_out [(ch_idx*20)+19:(ch_idx*20)] = {rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+15:(ch_idx*128)+8], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+7:ch_idx*128]}; end 40: for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ch_idx = ch_idx + 1) begin : gen_width40 assign gtwiz_userdata_rx_out [(ch_idx*40)+39:(ch_idx*40)] = {rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+3], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+3], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+31:(ch_idx*128)+24], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+2], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+2], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+23:(ch_idx*128)+16], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+15:(ch_idx*128)+8], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+7:ch_idx*128]}; end 80: for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ch_idx = ch_idx + 1) begin : gen_width80 assign gtwiz_userdata_rx_out [(ch_idx*80)+79:(ch_idx*80)] = {rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+7], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+7], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+63:(ch_idx*128)+56], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+6], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+6], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+55:(ch_idx*128)+48], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+5], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+5], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+47:(ch_idx*128)+40], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+4], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+4], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+39:(ch_idx*128)+32], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+3], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+3], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+31:(ch_idx*128)+24], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+2], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+2], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+23:(ch_idx*128)+16], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+15:(ch_idx*128)+8], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+7:ch_idx*128]}; end 160: for (ch_idx = 0; ch_idx < P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; ch_idx = ch_idx + 1) begin : gen_width160 assign gtwiz_userdata_rx_out [(ch_idx*160)+159:(ch_idx*160)] = {rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+15], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+15], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+127:(ch_idx*128)+120], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+14], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+14], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+119:(ch_idx*128)+112], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+13], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+13], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+111:(ch_idx*128)+104], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+12], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+12], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+103:(ch_idx*128)+96], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+11], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+11], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+95:(ch_idx*128)+88], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+10], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+10], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+87:(ch_idx*128)+80], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+9], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+9], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+79:(ch_idx*128)+72], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+8], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+8], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+71:(ch_idx*128)+64], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+7], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+7], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+63:(ch_idx*128)+56], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+6], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+6], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+55:(ch_idx*128)+48], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+5], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+5], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+47:(ch_idx*128)+40], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+4], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+4], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+39:(ch_idx*128)+32], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+3], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+3], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+31:(ch_idx*128)+24], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+2], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+2], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+23:(ch_idx*128)+16], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)+1], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+15:(ch_idx*128)+8], rxctrl1_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxctrl0_in[(ch_idx* 16)], rxdata_in [(ch_idx*128)+7:ch_idx*128]}; end default: begin : gen_default // The default case is a configuration error scenario should never be exercised assign gtwiz_userdata_rx_out = {P_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS*P_RX_USER_DATA_WIDTH{1'b1}}; end endcase end end endgenerate endmodule