//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // (c) Copyright 2013-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. 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Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `timescale 1ps/1ps // ===================================================================================================================== // This example design initialization module provides a demonstration of how initialization logic can be constructed to // interact with and enhance the reset controller helper block in order to assist with successful system bring-up. This // example initialization logic monitors for timely reset completion, retrying resets as necessary to mitigate problems // with system bring-up such as clock or data connection readiness. This is an example and can be modified as necessary. // ===================================================================================================================== module mgt_ip_example_init # ( parameter real P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY = 50, parameter real P_TX_TIMER_DURATION_US = 30000, parameter real P_RX_TIMER_DURATION_US = 130000 )( input wire clk_freerun_in, input wire reset_all_in, input wire tx_init_done_in, input wire rx_init_done_in, input wire rx_data_good_in, output reg reset_all_out = 1'b0, output reg reset_rx_out = 1'b0, output reg init_done_out = 1'b0, output reg [3:0] retry_ctr_out = 4'd0 ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Synchronizers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Synchronize the "reset all" input signal into the free-running clock domain // The reset_all_in input should be driven by the master "reset all" example design input wire reset_all_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) mgt_ip_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_reset_all_inst ( .clk_in (clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (reset_all_in), .rst_out (reset_all_sync) ); // Synchronize the TX initialization done indicator into the free-running clock domain // The tx_init_done_in input should be driven by the signal or logical combination of signals that represents a // completed TX initialization process; for example, the reset helper block gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out signal, or the // logical AND of gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out with gtwiz_buffbypass_tx_done_out if the TX buffer is bypassed. wire tx_init_done_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) mgt_ip_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_tx_init_done_inst ( .clk_in (clk_freerun_in), .i_in (tx_init_done_in), .o_out (tx_init_done_sync) ); // Synchronize the RX initialization done indicator into the free-running clock domain // The rx_init_done_in input should be driven by the signal or logical combination of signals that represents a // completed RX initialization process; for example, the reset helper block gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out signal, or the // logical AND of gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out with gtwiz_buffbypass_rx_done_out if the RX elastic buffer is bypassed. wire rx_init_done_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) mgt_ip_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_rx_init_done_inst ( .clk_in (clk_freerun_in), .i_in (rx_init_done_in), .o_out (rx_init_done_sync) ); // Synchronize the RX data good indicator into the free-running clock domain // The rx_data_good_in input should be driven the user application's indication of continual good data reception. // The example design drives rx_data_good_in high when no PRBS checker errors are seen in the 8 most recent // consecutive clock cycles of data reception. wire rx_data_good_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) mgt_ip_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_rx_data_good_inst ( .clk_in (clk_freerun_in), .i_in (rx_data_good_in), .o_out (rx_data_good_sync) ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Timer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare registers and local parameters used for the shared TX and RX initialization timer // The free-running clock frequency is specified by the P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY parameter. The TX initialization timer // duration is specified by the P_TX_TIMER_DURATION_US parameter (default 30,000us), and the resulting terminal count // is assigned to p_tx_timer_term_cyc_int. The RX initialization timer duration is specified by the // P_RX_TIMER_DURATION_US parameter (default 130,000us), and the resulting terminal count is assigned to // p_rx_timer_term_cyc_int. reg timer_clr = 1'b1; reg [24:0] timer_ctr = 25'd0; reg tx_timer_sat = 1'b0; reg rx_timer_sat = 1'b0; wire [24:0] p_tx_timer_term_cyc_int = P_TX_TIMER_DURATION_US * P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY; wire [24:0] p_rx_timer_term_cyc_int = P_RX_TIMER_DURATION_US * P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY; // When the timer is enabled by the initialization state machine, increment the timer_ctr counter until its value // reaches p_rx_timer_term_cyc_int RX terminal count and rx_timer_sat is asserted. Assert tx_timer_sat when the // counter value reaches the p_tx_timer_term_cyc_int TX terminal count. Clear the timer and remove assertions when the // timer is disabled by the initialization state machine. always @(posedge clk_freerun_in) begin if (timer_clr) begin timer_ctr <= 25'd0; tx_timer_sat <= 1'b0; rx_timer_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (timer_ctr == p_tx_timer_term_cyc_int) tx_timer_sat <= 1'b1; if (timer_ctr == p_rx_timer_term_cyc_int) rx_timer_sat <= 1'b1; else timer_ctr <= timer_ctr + 25'd1; end end // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retry counter // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Increment the retry_ctr_out register for each TX or RX reset asserted by the initialization state machine until the // register saturates at 4'd15. This value, which is initialized on device programming and is never reset, could be // useful for debugging purposes. The initialization state machine will continue to retry as needed beyond the retry // register saturation point indicated, so 4'd15 should be interpreted as "15 or more attempts since programming." reg retry_ctr_incr = 1'b0; always @(posedge clk_freerun_in) begin if ((retry_ctr_incr == 1'b1) && (retry_ctr_out != 4'd15)) retry_ctr_out <= retry_ctr_out + 4'd1; end // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization state machine // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare local parameters and state register for the initialization state machine localparam [1:0] ST_START = 2'd0; localparam [1:0] ST_TX_WAIT = 2'd1; localparam [1:0] ST_RX_WAIT = 2'd2; localparam [1:0] ST_MONITOR = 2'd3; reg [1:0] sm_init = ST_START; reg sm_init_active = 1'b0; // Implement the initialization state machine control and its outputs as a single sequential process. The state // machine is reset by the synchronized reset_all_in input, and does not begin operating until its first use. Note // that this state machine is designed to interact with and enhance the reset controller helper block. always @(posedge clk_freerun_in) begin if (reset_all_sync) begin timer_clr <= 1'b1; reset_all_out <= 1'b0; reset_rx_out <= 1'b0; retry_ctr_incr <= 1'b0; init_done_out <= 1'b0; sm_init_active <= 1'b1; sm_init <= ST_START; end else begin case (sm_init) // When starting the initialization procedure, clear the timer and remove reset outputs, then proceed to wait // for completion of TX initialization ST_START: begin if (sm_init_active) begin timer_clr <= 1'b1; reset_all_out <= 1'b0; reset_rx_out <= 1'b0; retry_ctr_incr <= 1'b0; sm_init <= ST_TX_WAIT; end end // Enable the timer. If TX initialization completes before the counter's TX terminal count, clear the timer and // proceed to wait for RX initialization. If the TX terminal count is reached, clear the timer, assert the // reset_all_out output (which in this example causes a master reset_all assertion), and increment the retry // counter. Completion conditions for TX initialization are described above. ST_TX_WAIT: begin if (tx_init_done_sync) begin timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_init <= ST_RX_WAIT; end else begin if (tx_timer_sat) begin timer_clr <= 1'b1; reset_all_out <= 1'b1; retry_ctr_incr <= 1'b1; sm_init <= ST_START; end else begin timer_clr <= 1'b0; end end end // Enable the timer. When the RX terminal count is reached, check whether RX initialization has completed and // whether the data good indicator is high. If both conditions are met, transition to the MONITOR state. If // either condition is not met, then clear the timer, assert the reset_rx_out output (which in this example // either drives gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in or gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in, depending on PLL sharing), // and increnent the retry counter. ST_RX_WAIT: begin if (rx_timer_sat) begin if (rx_init_done_sync && rx_data_good_sync) begin init_done_out <= 1'b1; sm_init <= ST_MONITOR; end else begin timer_clr <= 1'b1; reset_rx_out <= 1'b1; retry_ctr_incr <= 1'b1; sm_init <= ST_START; end end else begin timer_clr <= 1'b0; end end // In this MONITOR state, assert the init_done_out output for use as desired. If RX initialization or the data // good indicator is lost while in this state, reset the RX components as described in the ST_RX_WAIT state. ST_MONITOR: begin if (~rx_init_done_sync || ~rx_data_good_sync) begin init_done_out <= 1'b0; timer_clr <= 1'b1; reset_rx_out <= 1'b1; retry_ctr_incr <= 1'b1; sm_init <= ST_START; end end endcase end end endmodule