2020.2: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 9) * General: Chip2Chip Versal Block Automation Updated. * Revision change in one or more subcores 2020.1.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 8) * No changes 2020.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 8) * General: C2C Migration to Versal. * Revision change in one or more subcores 2019.2.2: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 7) * No changes 2019.2.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 7) * No changes 2019.2: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 7) * Revision change in one or more subcores 2019.1.3: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 6) * No changes 2019.1.2: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 6) * No changes 2019.1.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 6) * Bug Fix: Bug fix for VIRTEXUPLUS58GES1 devices with Select IO configuration 2019.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 5) * General: Migrated Aurora 64B66B subcore from 11.2 to 12.0. * Revision change in one or more subcores 2018.3.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 4) * No changes 2018.3: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 4) * General: Improved open_checkpoint runtime by re-writing inefficient get_pins queries. * Revision change in one or more subcores 2018.2: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 3) * Bug Fix: IP updated to handle SelectIO link up issues between 7series and US/US+ architectures * Bug Fix: AXI4 Lite Base and High address exported to SDK * Other: XDCs updated for runtime improvement * Revision change in one or more subcores 2018.1: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 2) * Bug Fix: IP updated to handle interrupts more reliably * Revision change in one or more subcores 2017.4: * Version 5.0 (Rev. 1) * Revision change in one or more subcores 2017.3: * Version 5.0 * Feature Enhancement: IP now comes with a AXI4 safety circuit * Feature Enhancement: IP version updated as there is a change in IO / Lane calculations * Revision change in one or more subcores 2017.2: * Version 4.3 (Rev. 1) * Bug Fix: Reset sequence update for better timing in selectio mode. * Revision change in one or more subcores 2017.1: * Version 4.3 * Bug Fix: Reset sequence update for better timing in selectio mode. * Bug Fix: Improved GUI speed and responsiveness * Feature Enhancement: Support for ID width upto 24 * Revision change in one or more subcores 2016.4: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 11) * Revision change in one or more subcores 2016.3: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 10) * Bug Fix: IP updated to avoid cascading of BUFGs * Revision change in one or more subcores 2016.2: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 9) * Revision change in one or more subcores 2016.1: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 8) * Aurora_8b10b single lane support added for 32-bit configuration * Helper core version fifo_generator_v13_1 update and safety circuit enablement for safe fifo reset operation. No other functional changes. * Revision change in one or more subcores 2015.4.2: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 7) * No changes 2015.4.1: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 7) * No changes 2015.4: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 7) * Example design update for Aurora drpaddr port width mismatch.No functional changes * Revision change in one or more subcores 2015.3: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 6) * Added upto 64-bit address width support for AXI4 master interface * Helper core version update (fifo_generator_v13_0) * IP core XDC updated as per helper core fifo XDC update * Example design updated to use Aurora_64b66b_v11_0 * Enabled example design support for aurora configuration with ultrascale plus devices * IP revision number added to HDL module, library, and include file names, to support designs with both locked and upgraded IP instances * Revision change in one or more subcores 2015.2.1: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 5) * No changes 2015.2: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 5) * GUI related updates * Example design minor updates, no functional changes 2015.1: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 4) * Enhanced support for 128 data width and 64 address width * Enabled out-of-context clock frequency setting by adding FREQ_HZ parameter to all clock interfaces * Example design updated to use Aurora64b66b_v10 and Aurora8b10b_v11 * Supported devices and production status are now determined automatically, to simplify support for future devices 2014.4.1: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 3) * No changes 2014.4: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 3) * Enhanced support for IP Integrator 2014.3: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 2) * Added 12 bit ID Width support on AXI Interfaces * Added beta support for optional Aurora 8B10B interface 2014.2: * Version 4.2 (Rev. 1) * Updated example design IO constraints 2014.1: * Version 4.2 * Added AURORA 64b66b 2-lane support * Included aurora do_cc and pma_init generation logic * Internal device family name change, no functional changes * Virtex UltraScale Pre-Production support 2013.4: * Version 4.1 (Rev. 1) * Kintex UltraScale Pre-Production support * Added beta support for optional Aurora 64B66B interface * Updated core constraints to accommodate helper core (fifo_generator_v11_0) hierarchy updates 2013.3: * Version 4.1 * Added example design * Added demonstration testbench * Reduced warnings in synthesis and simulation * Enhanced support for IP Integrator * Added support for Cadence IES and Synopsys VCS simulators * Updated synchronizers for clock domain crossing to reduce Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) from metastability 2013.2: * Version 4.0 (Rev. 1) * Constraints processing order changed * Increased the range of parameter C_AXI_SIZE_WIDTH from 2 to 3 2013.1: * Version 4.0 * Initial Vivado Release * There have been no functional or interface changes to this IP. The version number has changed to support unique versioning in Vivado starting with 2013.1 (c) Copyright 2013 - 2020 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. DISCLAIMER This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. CRITICAL APPLICATIONS Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product liability. THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES.