//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // (c) Copyright 2013-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. 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Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `timescale 1ps/1ps // ********************************************************************************************************************* // IMPORTANT // This helper block was chosen for exclusion from the IP core, and is therefore delivered within the example design. // However, it is still customized for the chosen core configuration. If you wish to modify its behavior, refer to this // core's Product Guide for possible guidance and be careful to understand the existing behavior and the effects of any // modifications you may choose to make. // ********************************************************************************************************************* module ttc_mgt_example_gtwiz_reset # ( parameter real P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY = 125, parameter integer P_USE_CPLL_CAL = 0, parameter integer P_TX_PLL_TYPE = 0, parameter integer P_RX_PLL_TYPE = 1, parameter real P_RX_LINE_RATE = 10.260224, parameter [25:0] P_CDR_TIMEOUT_FREERUN_CYC = (37000 * 125) / 10.260224 )( // User interface ports input wire gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in, input wire gtwiz_reset_all_in, input wire gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in, input wire gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in, input wire gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in, input wire gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in, output wire gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out, output wire gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out, output wire gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out, input wire gtwiz_reset_userclk_tx_active_in, input wire gtwiz_reset_userclk_rx_active_in, // Transceiver interface ports input wire gtpowergood_in, input wire txusrclk2_in, input wire plllock_tx_in, input wire txresetdone_in, input wire rxusrclk2_in, input wire plllock_rx_in, input wire rxcdrlock_in, input wire rxresetdone_in, output reg pllreset_tx_out = 1'b1, output wire txprogdivreset_out, output reg gttxreset_out = 1'b1, output reg txuserrdy_out = 1'b0, output reg pllreset_rx_out, output reg rxprogdivreset_out = 1'b1, output reg gtrxreset_out = 1'b1, output reg rxuserrdy_out = 1'b0, // Tie-offs based on core configuration input wire tx_enabled_tie_in, input wire rx_enabled_tie_in, input wire shared_pll_tie_in ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Reset all" state machine // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The "reset all" state machine responds to the synchronized gtwiz_reset_all_in input by resetting the enabled PLLs // and data paths of those transceiver resources to which the reset helper block is connected. It does so by guiding // the independent transmitter and receiver reset state machines, which are also user-accessible. The path through the // "reset all" state machine is a function of module input tie-offs, which depend on the core configuration. // Synchronize the "reset all" input signal into the free-running clock domain wire gtwiz_reset_all_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_all_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_all_in), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_all_sync) ); // Synchronize the transceiver power good indicator wire gtpowergood_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtpowergood_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtpowergood_in), .o_out (gtpowergood_sync) ); // Declare the "reset all" state machine reset timer registers reg sm_reset_all_timer_clr = 1'b1; reg [2:0] sm_reset_all_timer_ctr = 3'd0; reg sm_reset_all_timer_sat = 1'b0; // Declare local parameters used to represent both static and variable state machine state values localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_INIT = 3'd0; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_BRANCH = 3'd1; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_TX_PLL = 3'd2; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_TX_PLL_WAIT = 3'd3; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_RX_DP = 3'd4; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_RX_PLL = 3'd5; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_RX_WAIT = 3'd6; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_ALL_DONE = 3'd7; reg [2:0] sm_reset_all = ST_RESET_ALL_INIT; // Declare relevant internal control and status registers of this and other state machines reg gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_int = 1'b0; reg gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int = 1'b0; reg gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_int = 1'b0; reg gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_int = 1'b0; reg gtwiz_reset_rx_done_int = 1'b0; // Implement the "reset all" state machine control and its outputs as a single sequential process. The state machine // is reset by the synchronized gtwiz_reset_all_sync input. always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (gtwiz_reset_all_sync) begin gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_int <= 1'b0; gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_int <= 1'b0; gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_int <= 1'b0; sm_reset_all_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_BRANCH; end else begin case (sm_reset_all) // Upon initial configuration, check or wait for the transceiver power good indicator to be asserted before // proceeding with the sequence automatically ST_RESET_ALL_INIT: begin if (gtpowergood_sync) sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_BRANCH; end // If the transmitter is enabled, begin by resetting the TX PLL. If the transmitter is disabled, begin by // resetting the RX PLL. ST_RESET_ALL_BRANCH: begin if (tx_enabled_tie_in) sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_TX_PLL; else sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_RX_PLL; sm_reset_all_timer_clr <= 1'b1; end // Force the transmitter reset state machine to reset the TX PLL and data path ST_RESET_ALL_TX_PLL: begin gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_int <= 1'b1; sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_TX_PLL_WAIT; end // Await completion of the TX PLL and data path reset sequence. Then, if the receiver is enabled, continue by // either resetting just the RX data path (if the receiver and transmitter share a PLL) or the RX PLL (if the // receiver and transmitter PLLs are indepdendent). If the receiver is disabled, complete the sequence. ST_RESET_ALL_TX_PLL_WAIT: begin gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_int <= 1'b0; sm_reset_all_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int && (~sm_reset_all_timer_clr) && sm_reset_all_timer_sat) begin if (rx_enabled_tie_in) begin if (shared_pll_tie_in) sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_RX_DP; else sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_RX_PLL; end else sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_DONE; sm_reset_all_timer_clr <= 1'b1; end end // Force the receiver reset state machine to reset the RX data path ST_RESET_ALL_RX_DP: begin gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_int <= 1'b1; sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_RX_WAIT; end // Force the receiver reset state machine to reset the RX PLL and data path ST_RESET_ALL_RX_PLL: begin gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_int <= 1'b1; sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_RX_WAIT; end // Await completion of whichever RX reset sequence was performed ST_RESET_ALL_RX_WAIT: begin gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_int <= 1'b0; sm_reset_all_timer_clr <= 1'b0; gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_int <= 1'b0; if (gtwiz_reset_rx_done_int && (~sm_reset_all_timer_clr) && sm_reset_all_timer_sat) begin sm_reset_all <= ST_RESET_ALL_DONE; sm_reset_all_timer_clr <= 1'b1; end end endcase end end // Generate a small "reset all" state machine reset timer, used to stall certain states to guarantee that their // synchronized input values are being used at the appropriate time always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (sm_reset_all_timer_clr) begin sm_reset_all_timer_ctr <= 3'd0; sm_reset_all_timer_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (sm_reset_all_timer_ctr != 3'd7) sm_reset_all_timer_ctr <= sm_reset_all_timer_ctr + 3'd1; else sm_reset_all_timer_sat <= 1'b1; end end // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Transmitter reset state machine // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The transmitter reset state machine responds to various synchronized inputs by resetting enabled transmitter- // related transceiver resources to which the reset helper block is connected. Various entry points to the sequential // reset sequence are available. // Synchronize the OR of all user input and internal TX reset signals for use in resetting the TX reset state machine wire gtwiz_reset_tx_any; wire gtwiz_reset_tx_any_sync; assign gtwiz_reset_tx_any = gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in || gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_int || gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_tx_any_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_tx_any), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_tx_any_sync) ); // Synchronize the OR of the user input and internal TX PLL and data path reset signals wire gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_in || gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_int), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_sync) ); // Use another synchronizer to delay the above signal for purposes of its detection following reset wire gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_dly; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_dly_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_sync), .o_out (gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_dly) ); // Synchronize the TX data path reset user input wire gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_in), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_sync) ); // Use another synchronizer to delay the above signal for purposes of its detection following reset wire gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_dly; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_dly_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_sync), .o_out (gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_dly) ); // Synchronize the TX user clock active indicator wire gtwiz_reset_userclk_tx_active_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_userclk_tx_active_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtwiz_reset_userclk_tx_active_in), .o_out (gtwiz_reset_userclk_tx_active_sync) ); // Synchronize the TX PLL lock indicator wire plllock_tx_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_plllock_tx_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (plllock_tx_in), .o_out (plllock_tx_sync) ); // Declare the TX state machine reset timer registers reg sm_reset_tx_timer_clr = 1'b1; reg [2:0] sm_reset_tx_timer_ctr = 3'd0; reg sm_reset_tx_timer_sat = 1'b0; // Declare the TX state machine PLL reset timer registers localparam [9:0] P_TX_PLL_RESET_FREERUN_CYC = (P_TX_PLL_TYPE == 2) ? (2 * P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY) + 2 : 7; reg sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr = 1'b1; reg [9:0] sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_ctr = 10'd0; reg sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_sat = 1'b0; wire [9:0] p_tx_pll_reset_freerun_cyc_int = P_TX_PLL_RESET_FREERUN_CYC; // Declare local parameters for TX reset state machine state values localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_BRANCH = 3'd0; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_PLL = 3'd1; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_DATAPATH = 3'd2; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_LOCK = 3'd3; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_USERRDY = 3'd4; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_RESETDONE = 3'd5; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_TX_IDLE = 3'd6; reg [2:0] sm_reset_tx = ST_RESET_TX_BRANCH; // Implementation of transmitter reset state machine synchronous process always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin // The state machine is synchronously reset by the synchronized OR of all user input and internal TX reset signals if (gtwiz_reset_tx_any_sync) begin gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int <= 1'b0; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_BRANCH; end else begin case (sm_reset_tx) // Once released from reset, branch to the reset control state indicated by the highest-priority synchronized // signal (which remains asserted due to its long synchronizer chain) ST_RESET_TX_BRANCH: begin if (gtwiz_reset_tx_pll_and_datapath_dly) sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_PLL; else if (gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_dly) sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_DATAPATH; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b1; end // Assert the TX PLL and TX data path reset outputs ST_RESET_TX_PLL: begin pllreset_tx_out <= 1'b1; gttxreset_out <= 1'b1; txuserrdy_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if ((~sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr) && sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_sat) begin sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_LOCK; end end // Assert the TX data path reset output ST_RESET_TX_DATAPATH: begin gttxreset_out <= 1'b1; txuserrdy_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if ((~sm_reset_tx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_tx_timer_sat) begin sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_LOCK; end end // De-assert the TX PLL reset output, and await the TX PLL lock indicator before de-asserting the TX data path // reset output ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_LOCK: begin pllreset_tx_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (plllock_tx_sync && (~sm_reset_tx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_tx_timer_sat) begin gttxreset_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_USERRDY; end end // Await the TX user clock active indicator from the TX user clocking helper block before asserting the TX user // ready output ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_USERRDY: begin sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (gtwiz_reset_userclk_tx_active_sync && (~sm_reset_tx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_tx_timer_sat) begin txuserrdy_out <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_RESETDONE; end end // Await the TX reset done indicator before asserting the reset helper block TX reset done user output ST_RESET_TX_WAIT_RESETDONE: begin sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (txresetdone_in && (~sm_reset_tx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_tx_timer_sat) begin gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_tx <= ST_RESET_TX_IDLE; end end // While idle, de-assert the reset helper block TX reset done user output if PLL lock is lost, signaling the // need for user intervention ST_RESET_TX_IDLE: begin if (!plllock_tx_sync) gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int <= 1'b0; end // Encountering the default case indicates a state register error, so de-assert the reset helper block TX // reset done user output, signaling the need for user intervention default: begin gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int <= 1'b0; end endcase end end // Generate a small TX state machine reset timer, used to stall certain states to guarantee that their synchronized // input values are being used at the appropriate time always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (sm_reset_tx_timer_clr) begin sm_reset_tx_timer_ctr <= 3'd0; sm_reset_tx_timer_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (sm_reset_tx_timer_ctr != 3'd7) sm_reset_tx_timer_ctr <= sm_reset_tx_timer_ctr + 3'd1; else sm_reset_tx_timer_sat <= 1'b1; end end // Generate an TX PLL reset timer, used to indicate when the specified minimum TX PLL reset duration has expired. This // is used by the TX state machine to proceed beyond the ST_RESET_TX_PLL wait state. always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_clr) begin sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_ctr <= 10'd0; sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_ctr != p_tx_pll_reset_freerun_cyc_int) sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_ctr <= sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_ctr + 10'd1; else sm_reset_tx_pll_timer_sat <= 1'b1; end end // Hold the TX programmable divider in reset until the TX PLL has locked ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_txprogdivreset_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (~plllock_tx_in), .rst_out (txprogdivreset_out) ); // Synchronize the reset helper block TX reset done user output into the TXUSRCLK2 domain for user consumption ttc_mgt_example_reset_inv_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_tx_done_inst ( .clk_in (txusrclk2_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_tx_done_int), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_tx_done_out) ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Receiver reset state machine // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The receiver reset state machine responds to various synchronized inputs by resetting enabled receiver- // related transceiver resources to which the reset helper block is connected. Various entry points to the sequential // reset sequence are available. // Initialize (for both synthesis and simulation) the RX PLL reset output flip-flop to 0 if the TX and RX PLLs are // shared upon device configuration, so as to not block TX PLL reset; or to 1 if the PLLs are independent, for // consistency with TX PLL initialization initial begin if (P_TX_PLL_TYPE == P_RX_PLL_TYPE) pllreset_rx_out = 1'b0; else pllreset_rx_out = 1'b1; end // Synchronize the OR of all user input and internal RX reset signals for use in resetting the RX reset state machine wire gtwiz_reset_rx_any; wire gtwiz_reset_rx_any_sync; assign gtwiz_reset_rx_any = gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in || gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_int || gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in || gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_int; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_rx_any_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_rx_any), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_rx_any_sync) ); // Synchronize the OR of the user input and internal RX PLL and data path reset signals wire gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_in || gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_int), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_sync) ); // Use another synchronizer to delay the above signal for purposes of its detection following reset wire gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_dly; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_dly_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_sync), .o_out (gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_dly) ); // Synchronize the RX data path reset user input wire gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_in || gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_int), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_sync) ); // Use another synchronizer to delay the above signal for purposes of its detection following reset wire gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_dly; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_dly_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_sync), .o_out (gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_dly) ); // Synchronize the RX user clock active indicator wire gtwiz_reset_userclk_rx_active_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_gtwiz_reset_userclk_rx_active_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (gtwiz_reset_userclk_rx_active_in), .o_out (gtwiz_reset_userclk_rx_active_sync) ); // Synchronize the RX PLL lock indicator wire plllock_rx_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_plllock_rx_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (plllock_rx_in), .o_out (plllock_rx_sync) ); // Synchronize the RX CDR lock indicator wire rxcdrlock_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_bit_synchronizer bit_synchronizer_rxcdrlock_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in), .i_in (rxcdrlock_in), .o_out (rxcdrlock_sync) ); // Declare the RX state machine reset timer registers reg sm_reset_rx_timer_clr = 1'b1; reg [2:0] sm_reset_rx_timer_ctr = 3'd0; reg sm_reset_rx_timer_sat = 1'b0; // Declare the RX state machine PLL reset timer registers localparam [9:0] P_RX_PLL_RESET_FREERUN_CYC = (P_RX_PLL_TYPE) ? (2 * P_FREERUN_FREQUENCY) + 2 : 7; reg sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr = 1'b1; reg [9:0] sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_ctr = 10'd0; reg sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_sat = 1'b0; wire [9:0] p_rx_pll_reset_freerun_cyc_int = P_RX_PLL_RESET_FREERUN_CYC; // Declare the RX state machine CDR lock timeout counter reg sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_clr = 1'b1; reg [25:0] sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_ctr = 26'd0; reg sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_sat = 1'b0; wire [25:0] p_cdr_timeout_freerun_cyc_int = P_CDR_TIMEOUT_FREERUN_CYC; // Declare local parameters for RX reset state machine state values localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_BRANCH = 3'd0; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_PLL = 3'd1; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_DATAPATH = 3'd2; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_LOCK = 3'd3; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_CDR = 3'd4; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_USERRDY = 3'd5; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_RESETDONE = 3'd6; localparam [2:0] ST_RESET_RX_IDLE = 3'd7; reg [2:0] sm_reset_rx = ST_RESET_RX_BRANCH; // Implementation of receiver reset state machine synchronous process always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin // The state machine is synchronously reset by the synchronized OR of all user input and internal RX reset signals if (gtwiz_reset_rx_any_sync) begin gtwiz_reset_rx_done_int <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_BRANCH; end else begin case (sm_reset_rx) // Once released from reset, branch to the reset control state indicated by the highest-priority synchronized // signal (which remains asserted due to its long synchronizer chain) ST_RESET_RX_BRANCH: begin if (gtwiz_reset_rx_pll_and_datapath_dly) sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_PLL; else if (gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_dly) sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_DATAPATH; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_clr <= 1'b1; end // Assert the RX PLL, RX programmable divider, and RX data path reset outputs ST_RESET_RX_PLL: begin pllreset_rx_out <= 1'b1; rxprogdivreset_out <= 1'b1; gtrxreset_out <= 1'b1; rxuserrdy_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if ((~sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr) && sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_sat) begin sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_LOCK; end end // Assert the RX data path and RX programmable divider reset outputs ST_RESET_RX_DATAPATH: begin rxprogdivreset_out <= 1'b1; gtrxreset_out <= 1'b1; rxuserrdy_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if ((~sm_reset_rx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_rx_timer_sat) begin sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_LOCK; end end // De-assert the RX PLL reset output, and await the RX PLL lock indicator before de-asserting the RX data path // reset output ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_LOCK: begin pllreset_rx_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (plllock_rx_sync && (~sm_reset_rx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_rx_timer_sat) begin gtrxreset_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_clr <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_CDR; end end // Await an indication of CDR stability (either the direct transceiver RXCDRLOCK output, or expiration of the // specified maximum CDR locking time, whichever occurs first) before removing the RX programmable divider reset // and proceeding ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_CDR: begin if (rxcdrlock_sync || sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_sat) begin rxprogdivreset_out <= 1'b0; sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_USERRDY; end end // Await the RX user clock active indicator from the RX user clocking helper block before asserting the RX user // ready output ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_USERRDY: begin sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (gtwiz_reset_userclk_rx_active_sync && (~sm_reset_rx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_rx_timer_sat) begin rxuserrdy_out <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_RESETDONE; end end // Await the RX reset done indicator before asserting the reset helper block RX reset done user output ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_RESETDONE: begin sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b0; if (rxresetdone_in && (~sm_reset_rx_timer_clr) && sm_reset_rx_timer_sat) begin gtwiz_reset_rx_done_int <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx_timer_clr <= 1'b1; sm_reset_rx <= ST_RESET_RX_IDLE; end end // While idle, de-assert the reset helper block RX reset done user output if PLL lock is lost, signaling the // need for user intervention ST_RESET_RX_IDLE: begin if (!plllock_rx_sync) gtwiz_reset_rx_done_int <= 1'b0; end endcase end end // Generate a small RX state machine reset timer, used to stall certain states to guarantee that their synchronized // input values are being used at the appropriate time always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (sm_reset_rx_timer_clr) begin sm_reset_rx_timer_ctr <= 3'd0; sm_reset_rx_timer_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (sm_reset_rx_timer_ctr != 3'd7) sm_reset_rx_timer_ctr <= sm_reset_rx_timer_ctr + 3'd1; else sm_reset_rx_timer_sat <= 1'b1; end end // Generate an RX PLL reset timer, used to indicate when the specified minimum RX PLL reset duration has expired. This // is used by the RX state machine to proceed beyond the ST_RESET_RX_PLL wait state. always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_clr) begin sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_ctr <= 10'd0; sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_ctr != p_rx_pll_reset_freerun_cyc_int) sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_ctr <= sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_ctr + 10'd1; else sm_reset_rx_pll_timer_sat <= 1'b1; end end // Generate a CDR lock timeout timer, used to indicate when the specified maximum CDR locking time has expired. This // is used by the RX state machine to proceed beyond the ST_RESET_RX_WAIT_CDR wait state in the event that the // transceiver RXCDRLOCK output does not assert within that time period. always @(posedge gtwiz_reset_clk_freerun_in) begin if (sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_clr) begin sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_ctr <= 26'd0; sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_sat <= 1'b0; end else begin if (sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_ctr != p_cdr_timeout_freerun_cyc_int) sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_ctr <= sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_ctr + 26'd1; else sm_reset_rx_cdr_to_sat <= 1'b1; end end // Assign the RX CDR stable user indicator to the transceiver RXCDRLOCK output assign gtwiz_reset_rx_cdr_stable_out = rxcdrlock_sync; // Synchronize the reset helper block RX reset done user output into the RXUSRCLK2 domain for user consumption (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) ttc_mgt_example_reset_inv_synchronizer reset_synchronizer_rx_done_inst ( .clk_in (rxusrclk2_in), .rst_in (gtwiz_reset_rx_done_int), .rst_out (gtwiz_reset_rx_done_out) ); endmodule