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Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // *************************** // * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE * // *************************** `timescale 1ps/1ps module gtwizard_ultrascale_v1_7_9_gte4_drp_arb #( parameter [9:0] ADDR_TX_PROGCLK_SEL = 10'h00C, parameter [9:0] ADDR_TX_PROGDIV_CFG = 10'h03E, //GTY /GTH addresses are different (003E in GTH; 0057 in GTY) parameter [9:0] ADDR_RX_PROGDIV_CFG = 10'h0C6, parameter [9:0] ADDR_X0E1 = 10'h0E1, parameter [9:0] ADDR_X079 = 10'h079, parameter [9:0] ADDR_X114 = 10'h114, parameter C_NUM_CLIENTS = 2, parameter C_ADDR_WIDTH = 9, parameter C_DATA_WIDTH = 16 ) ( input wire DCLK_I, input wire RESET_I, input wire TX_CAL_DONE_I, input wire RX_CAL_DONE_I, input wire [C_NUM_CLIENTS-1:0] DEN_USR_I, input wire [C_NUM_CLIENTS-1:0] DWE_USR_I, input wire [(C_ADDR_WIDTH*C_NUM_CLIENTS)-1:0] DADDR_USR_I, input wire [(C_DATA_WIDTH*C_NUM_CLIENTS)-1:0] DI_USR_I, output reg [(C_DATA_WIDTH*C_NUM_CLIENTS)-1:0] DO_USR_O = 'h0, output reg [C_NUM_CLIENTS-1:0] DRDY_USR_O = 'h0, output reg DEN_O = 1'b0, output reg DWE_O = 1'b0, output reg [C_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] DADDR_O = 1'b0, output reg [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] DI_O = 'h0, input wire [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] DO_I, input wire DRDY_I ); // // log base 2 // function integer clogb2; input integer depth; integer d; begin if (depth == 0) clogb2 = 1; else begin d = depth; for (clogb2=0; d > 0; clogb2 = clogb2+1) d = d >> 1; end end endfunction reg [clogb2(C_NUM_CLIENTS)-1:0] idx = 'b0; reg done = 1'b0; reg rd = 1'b0; reg wr = 1'b0; reg [C_NUM_CLIENTS-1:0] en = 'h0; reg [C_NUM_CLIENTS-1:0] we = 'h0; reg [(C_DATA_WIDTH*C_NUM_CLIENTS)-1:0] data_i = 'h0; reg [(C_ADDR_WIDTH*C_NUM_CLIENTS)-1:0] addr_i = 'h0; reg [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] di = 'h0; reg [C_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] daddr = 'h0; reg [C_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] do_r = 'h0; // // Arbitration state machine encodings // localparam [3:0] ARB_START = 4'd1; localparam [3:0] ARB_WAIT = 4'd2; localparam [3:0] ARB_REPORT = 4'd4; localparam [3:0] ARB_INC = 4'd8; reg [3:0] arb_state = ARB_START; // // DRP state machine encodings // localparam [6:0] DRP_WAIT = 7'd1; localparam [6:0] DRP_READ = 7'd2; localparam [6:0] DRP_READ_ACK = 7'd4; localparam [6:0] DRP_MODIFY = 7'd8; localparam [6:0] DRP_WRITE = 7'd16; localparam [6:0] DRP_WRITE_ACK = 7'd32; localparam [6:0] DRP_DONE = 7'd64; reg [6:0] drp_state = DRP_WAIT; reg [7:0] timeout_cntr = 0; integer i; // // Register incoming transactions: grab data, address, write enable when DEN is high // Clear internal enable when transaction is (eventually) finished // always @(posedge DCLK_I) begin if (RESET_I) begin en <= 'b0; we <= 'b0; data_i <= 'b0; addr_i <= 'b0; end else begin if (DEN_USR_I[0]) begin en[0] <= 1'b1; // this means this client wants to do a transaction we[0] <= DWE_USR_I[0]; //data_i[(i*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= DI_USR_I[(i*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH]; //addr_i[(i*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] <= DADDR_USR_I[(i*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH]; // if cpll cal not done (mask) from cpll cal, if user tries to write, always save progdiv to temp holding place. if (!TX_CAL_DONE_I && DADDR_USR_I[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] == ADDR_TX_PROGDIV_CFG && DWE_USR_I[0]) begin addr_i[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] <= ADDR_X079; data_i[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= {1'b1,DI_USR_I[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH-1]}; end else if (!TX_CAL_DONE_I && DADDR_USR_I[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] == ADDR_TX_PROGCLK_SEL && DWE_USR_I[0]) begin addr_i[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] <= ADDR_X0E1; data_i[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= {1'b1,DI_USR_I[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH-1]}; end else if (!RX_CAL_DONE_I && DADDR_USR_I[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] == ADDR_RX_PROGDIV_CFG && DWE_USR_I[0]) begin addr_i[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] <= ADDR_X114; data_i[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= {1'b1,DI_USR_I[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH-1]}; end else begin //behave normal addr_i[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] <= DADDR_USR_I[(0*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH]; data_i[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= DI_USR_I[(0*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH]; end end for (i = 1; i < C_NUM_CLIENTS; i= i+1) begin if (DEN_USR_I[i]) begin en[i] <= 1'b1; // this means this client wants to do a transaction we[i] <= DWE_USR_I[i]; data_i[(i*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= DI_USR_I[(i*C_DATA_WIDTH) +: C_DATA_WIDTH]; addr_i[(i*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH] <= DADDR_USR_I[(i*C_ADDR_WIDTH) +: C_ADDR_WIDTH]; end end if (done) begin en[idx] <= 1'b0; we[idx] <= 1'b0; end end end // // Arbitration FSM - does a round-robin arbritration scheme // always @(posedge DCLK_I) begin if (RESET_I) begin idx <= 'b0; di <= 'b0; daddr <= 'b0; rd <= 1'b0; wr <= 1'b0; arb_state <= ARB_START; DRDY_USR_O <= 'b0; DO_USR_O <= 'b0; end else begin case (arb_state) ARB_START: begin if (en[idx] == 1'b1) begin di <= data_i[idx*C_DATA_WIDTH +: C_DATA_WIDTH]; daddr <= addr_i[idx*C_ADDR_WIDTH +: C_ADDR_WIDTH]; rd <= !we[idx]; wr <= we[idx]; arb_state <= ARB_WAIT; end else begin rd <= 1'b0; wr <= 1'b0; arb_state <= ARB_INC; end end ARB_WAIT: begin rd <= 1'b0; wr <= 1'b0; if (done == 1'b1) arb_state <= ARB_REPORT; else arb_state <= ARB_WAIT; end ARB_REPORT: begin DRDY_USR_O[idx] <= 1'b1; DO_USR_O[idx*C_DATA_WIDTH +: C_DATA_WIDTH] <= do_r; arb_state <= ARB_INC; end ARB_INC : begin DRDY_USR_O[idx] <= 1'b0; if (idx == C_NUM_CLIENTS-1) idx <= 1'b0; else idx <= idx + 1; arb_state <= ARB_START; end default: arb_state <= ARB_START; endcase end end // // DRP FSM - does the actual DRP read or write // always @(posedge DCLK_I) begin if (RESET_I) begin DEN_O <= 1'b0; DWE_O <= 1'b0; DI_O <= 16'h0000; DADDR_O <= 'b0; do_r <= 'b0; drp_state <= DRP_WAIT; done <= 1'b0; end else begin case (drp_state) DRP_WAIT: begin timeout_cntr <= 8'h0; if (rd) drp_state <= DRP_READ; else if (wr) drp_state <= DRP_WRITE; else drp_state <= DRP_WAIT; end DRP_READ: begin DEN_O <= 1'b1; DWE_O <= 1'b0; DADDR_O <= daddr; timeout_cntr <= 8'h0; done <= 1'b0; drp_state <= DRP_READ_ACK; end DRP_READ_ACK: begin DEN_O <= 1'b0; DWE_O <= 1'b0; timeout_cntr <= timeout_cntr + 1; if (DRDY_I == 1'b1 || timeout_cntr == 8'hFF) begin do_r <= DO_I; done <= 1'b1; drp_state <= DRP_DONE; end else drp_state <= DRP_READ_ACK; end DRP_WRITE: begin DEN_O <= 1'b1; DWE_O <= 1'b1; DADDR_O <= daddr; DI_O <= di; timeout_cntr <= 8'h0; done <= 1'b0; drp_state <= DRP_WRITE_ACK; end DRP_WRITE_ACK: begin DEN_O <= 1'b0; DWE_O <= 1'b0; timeout_cntr <= timeout_cntr + 1; if (DRDY_I == 1'b1 || timeout_cntr == 8'hFF) begin do_r <= DO_I; done <= 1'b1; drp_state <= DRP_DONE; end else drp_state <= DRP_WRITE_ACK; end DRP_DONE: begin timeout_cntr <= 8'h0; done <= 1'b0; // done was asserted in the previous state drp_state <= DRP_WAIT; end default: drp_state <= DRP_WAIT; endcase end end endmodule