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Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `timescale 1ps/1ps // ===================================================================================================================== // This example design checking module checks PRBS31 data at the appropriate parallel data width from the receiver, // along with performing any data manipulation or sideband signaling necessary for the selected data decoding. This // module instance checks data from a single transceiver channel for data reception demonstration purposes. // ===================================================================================================================== module mgt_ip_example_checking_raw ( input wire gtwiz_reset_all_in, input wire gtwiz_userclk_rx_usrclk2_in, input wire gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in, input wire [19:0] rxdata_in, output reg prbs_match_out = 1'b0 ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset synchronizer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Synchronize the example stimulus reset condition into the rxusrclk2 domain wire example_checking_reset_int = gtwiz_reset_all_in || ~gtwiz_userclk_rx_active_in; wire example_checking_reset_sync; (* DONT_TOUCH = "TRUE" *) mgt_ip_example_reset_synchronizer example_checking_reset_synchronizer_inst ( .clk_in (gtwiz_userclk_rx_usrclk2_in), .rst_in (example_checking_reset_int), .rst_out (example_checking_reset_sync) ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRBS checker enable and sideband control generation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For raw mode data reception, the PRBS checker is always enabled wire prbs_any_chk_en_int = 1'b1; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRBS checker block // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The prbs_any block, described in Xilinx Application Note 884 (XAPP884), "An Attribute-Programmable PRBS Generator // and Checker", generates or checks a parameterizable PRBS sequence. Instantiate and parameterize a prbs_any block // to check a PRBS31 sequence with parallel data sized to the receiver user data width. wire [19:0] prbs_any_chk_error_int; mgt_ip_prbs_any # ( .CHK_MODE (1), .INV_PATTERN (1), .POLY_LENGHT (31), .POLY_TAP (28), .NBITS (20) ) prbs_any_chk_inst ( .RST (example_checking_reset_sync), .CLK (gtwiz_userclk_rx_usrclk2_in), .DATA_IN (rxdata_in), .EN (prbs_any_chk_en_int), .DATA_OUT (prbs_any_chk_error_int) ); // The prbs_any block indicates a match of the parallel PRBS data when all DATA_OUT bits are 0. Register the result // of the NOR function as the PRBS match indicator. always @(posedge gtwiz_userclk_rx_usrclk2_in) begin if (example_checking_reset_sync) prbs_match_out <= 1'b0; else prbs_match_out <= ~(|prbs_any_chk_error_int); end endmodule