1/30/2016 version 0x14 Fixed a bug in checking event number in header and trailer module daq_link_7s.vhd modified module TTS_TRIG_if.vhd modified 12/22/2015 version 0x13 Added logic to protect against illeagal input data from collapsing the system module daq_link_7s.vhd modified 11/12/2015 version 0x12 Output port Ready is now permanently connected to '1'(Always ready) When InitLink received, the signal is extended until all data in AMC are emptied, which is important if AMC got more data than expected when ReSync is received. module DAQ_link_7s.vhd modified 8/18/2015 version 0x11 Added input signal ReSyncAndEmpty for proper ReSync operation After receiving a ReSync TTC command, an AMC module can either continue to send the data in its buffer until the buffer is empty, or simply clear the buffer. Once its buffer is empty, the AMC module should assert the ReSyncAndEmpty signal high for at least 10ns and when it is ready to receive L1A, set TTS to ready. (According to ReSync spec, AMC should set its TTS to busy after receiving the ReSync) AMC13 will forward AMC data to the DAQ and fill with fake event data if necessary. 4/11/2015 version 0x10 fixed a bug which causes TTC-trigger data bit errors modules hamming.vhd and DAQ_LINK_7s.vhd changed 4/10/2015 version 0xf fixed a bug which causes evn mismatche Only module DAQ_LINK_7s.vhd changed 4/3/2015 version 0xe fixed a potential bug which can cause evn, bcn and ocn mismatches Only module DAQ_LINK_7s.vhd changed 4/2/2015 version 0xd bug introduced in 0xc fixed modules DAQ_Link_V6.vhd and TTS_TRIG_IF.vhd changed 4/1/2015 version 0xc CriticalTTS added to DAQ_Link_7s.vhd(bit 11-9 of reg 0x2e) reset(Ready_i low) lengthened Only module DAQ_LINK_7s.vhd changed 3/29/2015 version 0xb This new version fixed a bug in TTS_TRIG_if.vhd which can cause amc13 to amc connection difficulties. The generic parameter USE_TRIGGER_PORT has been moved to an input port. There are three other new ports at the end of the port list. During instantiation, connect '0' to port sysclk and assign open to ports L1A_DATA_we and L1A_DATA. These ports are used in other designs and now they can share the same code. In module's declaration or its instantiation, set the generic parameter F_REFCLK as your design's frequency of the GTX reference clock If you are using amc13 firmware 0x4xxx, input port USE_TRIGGER_PORT should be set to boolean value TRUE in your instantiation, otherwise set it to FALSE please include the following line in your xst file: create_clock -period 4.000 -name DAQ_usrclk [get_pins */i_DAQ_Link_7s/i_UsrClk/o] where i_DAQ_Link_7s is the instance name of the module DAQ_Link_7s in its upper level module. This zip file includes following files: DAQ_LINK_7s.vhd top module FIFO_rest_7S.vhd EthernetCRCD32.vhd CRC16D16.vhd TTS_TRIG_if.vhd RAM32x6Db.vhd Hamming.vhd ReleaseNote.txt this file