!********* Datacard for ppbar->qqbar (incl) production ********* ! MCP17 PYTHIA6.319 ! ! PROTON PARTON DENSITY FUNCTIONS FROM LHAPDF v3 ! ! SET MSTP(52) = 2 FOR USE OF EXTERNAL PDFs (NOT PYTHIA INTERNAL PDFs) ! SET MSTP(51) = CODE-pdf or CODE-grid ! EXAMPLES: ! NAME FIT ORDER CODE-pdf CODE-grid Comments ! CTEQ5L LO - 19070 mcp14 default (old) ! CTEQ6LL LO 10042 - mcp17 default (current) ! CTEQ6M NLO 10000 10050 ***plus 40 error PDFs (10051-10090)*** ! CTEQ61 NLO 10100 10150 ***plus 40 error PDFs (10151-10190)*** ! MRST01lo LO - 20060 ! MRST01E NLO 20100 20150 ***plus 30 error PDFs (20151-20180)*** ! MRST01nnlo NNLO - 20070 ! Alekhin02lo LO - 40350 ***plus 15 error PDFs (40351-40365)*** ! Alekhin02nlo NLO - 40450 ***plus 15 error PDFs (40451-40465)*** ! Alekhin02nnlo NNLO - 40550 ***plus 15 error PDFs (40551-40565)*** ! See http://www-d0.fnal.gov/computing/MonteCarlo/generator_tools/pdf_correspondence.html ! and http://www-clued0.fnal.gov/runjob/current/SupportedPDFs.html for mc_runjob specifs MSTP(51)=10042 MSTP(52)=2 !MSTP(2)=1 ! LO evolution of alpha_s for ME !MSTP(3)=1 ! set lambda values by hand; ! The following is good for CTEQ6L1 ! !MSTU(112)=5 ! 5 flavour scheme !PARU(112)=0.165 ! lambda_QCD used in PYALPS !PARP(1)=0.165 ! lambda_QCD for ME (hard interaction) !PARP(61)=0.165 ! lamba_QCD for space-like PS !PARP(72)=0.165 ! lambda_QCD for time-like PS (not from resonances) ! CHANGING RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR SEED MRPY(1) = RANSEED2 ! RANDOM SEED FIELD !MSEL=1 ! QCD without elastic and diffractive scattering ! New default HF Quarks Mass !PMAS(6,1)=XXX_TOPMASS ! Default: 175GeV (as of 11. May 2004) !PMAS(5,1)=4.75 ! m(b) !PMAS(4,1)=1.55 ! m(c) ! Kinematical cuts !CKIN(1)=XXX_KINMASSGT ! Lower bound on the hard 2->2 process invariant mass !CKIN(2)=XXX_KINMASSLT ! Upper bound on the hard 2->2 process invariant mass CKIN(3)=PTLOW ! Minimum Pt for hard 2->2 process. CKIN(4)=PTHIGH ! Maximum Pt for hard 2->2 process. CKIN(9)=ETALOW ! Rapidity range for product with CKIN(10)=ETAHIGH ! largest rapidity in hard 2->2 process. CKIN(11)=ETALOW ! Rapidity range for product with CKIN(12)=ETAHIGH ! smallest rapidity in hard 2->2 process. ! The next line is _mandatory_ for RunII production MSTJ(22)=2 ! A particle is decayed only if its proper ! lifetime is smaller than PARJ(71) ! default should be ok. (strange particles stable, charm & bottom ! decay). ! choice of mother pointers for particles produced by a fragmenting parton system MSTU(16)=2 ! gives improved particle history record !custom things for strassler simulation MSEL=0 MSUB(142)=1 !qq->W' !Set masses and lifetimes PMAS(35,1)=120.0 !H0 MASS - in GeV PMAS(36,1)=40.0 !A0 MASS - in GeV PMAS(36,4)=200.0 !A0 LIFE - in ctau=1mm (make sure it is less than PARJ(71)...) !PMAS(34,1)=400.0 PMAS(34,1)=800.0 PMAS(34,2)=240.0 PMAS(36,2)=0.01 !A0 Width - in GeV PMAS(36,3)=0.02 !A0 max mass deviation - in GeV PARJ(71)=1000 !Anything with less than this average lifetime decays if MSTJ(22)=2 - in ctau=1mm !W' Decays !W' decays to quarks MDME(311,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d ubar MDME(312,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d cbar MDME(313,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d tbar MDME(314,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 d t'bar MDME(315,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s ubar MDME(316,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s cbar MDME(317,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s tbar MDME(318,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 s t'bar MDME(319,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b ubar MDME(320,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b cbar MDME(321,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b tbar MDME(322,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b t'bar MDME(323,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' ubar MDME(324,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' cbar MDME(325,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' tbar MDME(326,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' t'bar !W' decays to leptons MDME(327,1)= 0 !0 0.689188 e nu_e MDME(328,1)= 0 !0 0.000000 mu nu_mu MDME(329,1)= 0 !0 0.002890 tau nu_tau MDME(330,1)= -1 !0 0.002890 tau' nu_tau' !W' decays to gauge bosons MDME(331,1)= 1 !0 0.689188 W Z MDME(332,1)= 0 !0 0.000000 ? ? MDME(333,1)= 0 !0 0.002890 ? ? !W Decays !W decays to quarks MDME(190,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d ubar MDME(191,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d cbar MDME(192,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d tbar MDME(193,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 d t'bar MDME(194,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s ubar MDME(195,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s cbar MDME(196,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s tbar MDME(197,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 s t'bar MDME(198,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b ubar MDME(199,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b cbar MDME(200,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b tbar MDME(201,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b t'bar MDME(202,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' ubar MDME(203,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' cbar MDME(204,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' tbar MDME(205,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' t'bar !W decays to leptons MDME(206,1)= 1 !0 0.689188 e nu_e MDME(207,1)= 1 !0 0.000000 mu nu_mu MDME(208,1)= 1 !0 0.002890 tau nu_tau MDME(209,1)= 0 !0 0.002890 tau' nu_tau' !Z Decays !Z decays to quarks MDME(174,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 d dbar MDME(175,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 u ubar MDME(176,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 s sbar MDME(177,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 c cbar MDME(178,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 b bbar MDME(179,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 t tbar MDME(180,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 b' b'bar MDME(181,1)= -1 !32 0.000000 t' t'bar !Z decays to leptons MDME(182,1)= 1 !32 0.000000 e- e+ MDME(183,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 nu_e nu_ebar MDME(184,1)= 1 !32 0.000000 mu- mu+ MDME(185,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 nu_mu nu_mubar MDME(186,1)= 1 !32 0.000000 tau- tau+ MDME(187,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 nu_tau nu_taubar MDME(188,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 tau'- tau'+ MDME(189,1)= 0 !32 0.000000 nu_tau' nu_tau'bar