Proceedings for ICCMSE 2009
Proceedings for ICCMSE 2009 will be published in the AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings.
Speakers for the Sumposium on Experimental High Energy Physics are requested to prepare articles by October 23rd, 2009.
The guideline for the length of articles: 3-4 pages.
Deadline for submission: Friday, OCTOBER 23rd, 2009.
Guidelines for the preparation of a paper for the Proceedings of ICCMSE 2009:
The following two documents need to be signed by ink, scanned and then sent by email to They can also be handed in person at Rhodes.
Guidelines for Submission:
Please send the following in ONE file (.tar or rar or ZIP) in one e-mail to by Friday, October 23rd, 2009.
1. Source file for each paper (.tex and .eps for figures)
2. PDF file for each paper
3. Copyright Transfer Agreement
4. Submission Form