SSE program for the 2D S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet

Program: ssebasic

For given lattice lengths Lx, Ly, and inverse temperature beta=J/T, the program computes the energy, specific heat, squared sublattice magnetization, magnetic susceptibility.

Running instructions


File containing:

  lx    ly       beta
  nbin  msteps  isteps

Line 1 Column 1: System x length lx (integer)
Line 1 Column 2: System x length ly (integer)
Line 1 Column 3: Inverse temperature beta=J/T (real)
Line 2 Column 1: Number of bins (integer)
Line 2 Column 2: Number of MC sweeps / bin (integer)
Line 2 Column 3: Number of MC sweeps for equilibration (integer)

Example (N=8)

    8      8        4.0
    20     100000  10000

File containing a random number seed (integer)


Written to a file results.txt. This file is written after each completed bin. Self-explanatory contents, including the expansion cut-off L determined, the number of bins completed so far, and averages and error bars of the computed quantities.

Examples and comments

With the file given above, the following output was generated in results.txt (the results of course depend on the random seed used). Note the large error bar on the specific heat. It is very difficult to compute it accurately for large systems at low T.

  Cut-off L :  486
  Number of bins completed :  20
  -E/N       :     0.66835206    0.00007645
   C/N       :     0.04917518    0.00565429
   m**2      :     0.17669511    0.00011172
   X(0,0)    :     0.05462225    0.00006588

This calculation took about 2.5 minutes on a MacBook Air.