!--------------------! module configuration !----------------------------------------------! ! Most important parameters and data structures !----------------------------------------------! save integer :: lx ! system length in x direction integer :: ly ! system length in x direction integer :: nn ! number of sites; nn=lx*ly integer :: nb ! number of bonds (depends on lx,ly and boundary conditions) integer :: nh ! number of H-operators in string integer :: mm ! maximum string length (self-determined) real(8) :: beta ! inverse temperature real(8) :: aprob ! part of the acceptance probability for adding operator real(8) :: dprob ! part of the acceptance probability for removing operator integer, allocatable :: spin(:) ! spin state integer, allocatable :: bsites(:,:) ! list of sites bsites(1,b),bsites(2,b) at bond b integer, allocatable :: opstring(:) ! operator string integer, allocatable :: frstspinop(:) ! first operation on each site in linked vertex list integer, allocatable :: lastspinop(:) ! last operation on each site in linked vertex list integer, allocatable :: vertexlist(:) ! list of vertex links end module configuration !------------------------! !----------------------! module measurementdata !----------------------------------------------! ! Data were measured quantities are accumulated ! - See 'measure' for explanation of variables !----------------------------------------------! save real(8) :: enrg1=0.d0 real(8) :: enrg2=0.d0 real(8) :: amag2=0.d0 real(8) :: ususc=0.d0 !--------------------------! end module measurementdata !--------------------------! !============================! program basic_heisenberg_sse !=====================================================! ! Stochastic series QMC for the S=1/2 Heisenberg model ! on a lattice wit Lx*Ly sites. ! - See 'makelattice' for boundary conditions ! - See below for input data ! - See 'writeresults' for output data !------------------------------------------------------ ! Anders Sandvik, 2012 !------------------------------------------------------ use configuration; implicit none integer :: i,j,nbins,msteps,isteps ! Reads input data: ! lx,ly : lattice size in x and y direction ! beta : inverse dimensionless temperature J/T ! nbins : Number of bins (averages written to file 'res.dat' after each bin ! msteps : Number of MC sweeps in each bin (measurements after each sweep) ! isteps : Number of MC sweeps for equilibration (no measurements) open(10,file='read.in',status='old') read(10,*)lx,ly,beta read(10,*)nbins,msteps,isteps close(10) ! initializes random number generator; needs file 'seed.in' with a seed integer call initran(1) ! constructs array with sites connected by bonds (defines the lattice) call makelattice() ! Initialization of arrays and configuration call initconfig() ! probabilities used in diagonal update aprob=0.5d0*beta*nb dprob=1.d0/(0.5d0*beta*nb) ! Do isteps equilibration sweeps do i=1,isteps call diagonalupdate() call linkvertices() call loopupdate() ! this subroutine increases the cutoff if needed (writes cutoff to 'cut.dat') call adjustcutoff(i) enddo ! Do nbins bins with msteps MC sweeps in each, measure after each do j=1,nbins do i=1,msteps call diagonalupdate() call linkvertices() call loopupdate() call measure() enddo ! write bin averages to file 'res.dat' call writeresults(msteps) enddo call deallocateall() end program basic_heisenberg_sse !================================! !---------------------------! subroutine diagonalupdate() !------------------------------------------! ! Carries out one sweep of diagonal updates !------------------------------------------! use configuration; implicit none integer :: i,b,op real(8) :: ran external :: ran do i=0,mm-1 op=opstring(i) if (op==0) then b=int(ran()*nb)+1 if (spin(bsites(1,b))/=spin(bsites(2,b))) then if (ran()*(mm-nh)<=aprob) then opstring(i)=2*b nh=nh+1 endif endif elseif (mod(op,2)==0) then if (ran()<=dprob*(mm-nh+1)) then opstring(i)=0 nh=nh-1 endif else b=op/2 spin(bsites(1,b))=-spin(bsites(1,b)) spin(bsites(2,b))=-spin(bsites(2,b)) endif enddo end subroutine diagonalupdate !-----------------------------! !-------------------------! subroutine linkvertices() !------------------------------! ! Makes the linkes vertex list. !------------------------------! use configuration; implicit none integer :: b,op,s1,s2,v0,v1,v2 frstspinop(:)=-1 lastspinop(:)=-1 do v0=0,4*mm-1,4 op=opstring(v0/4) if (op/=0) then b=op/2 s1=bsites(1,b) s2=bsites(2,b) v1=lastspinop(s1) v2=lastspinop(s2) if (v1/=-1) then vertexlist(v1)=v0 vertexlist(v0)=v1 else frstspinop(s1)=v0 endif if (v2/=-1) then vertexlist(v2)=v0+1 vertexlist(v0+1)=v2 else frstspinop(s2)=v0+1 endif lastspinop(s1)=v0+2 lastspinop(s2)=v0+3 else vertexlist(v0:v0+3)=-1 endif enddo do s1=1,nn v1=frstspinop(s1) if (v1/=-1) then v2=lastspinop(s1) vertexlist(v2)=v1 vertexlist(v1)=v2 endif enddo end subroutine linkvertices !---------------------------! !-----------------------! subroutine loopupdate() !----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Carries out loop updates; each loop is constructed and flipped with ! probability 1/2. At the end, spins not connected to any operator ! (corresponding to purely time-like loops) are flipped with probability 1/2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------! use configuration; implicit none integer :: i,v0,v1,v2 real(8) :: ran external :: ran do v0=0,4*mm-1,2 if (vertexlist(v0)<0) cycle v1=v0 if (ran()<0.5d0) then do opstring(v1/4)=ieor(opstring(v1/4),1) vertexlist(v1)=-2 v2=ieor(v1,1) v1=vertexlist(v2) vertexlist(v2)=-2 if (v1==v0) exit enddo else do vertexlist(v1)=-1 v2=ieor(v1,1) v1=vertexlist(v2) vertexlist(v2)=-1 if (v1==v0) exit enddo endif enddo do i=1,nn if (frstspinop(i)/=-1) then if (vertexlist(frstspinop(i))==-2) spin(i)=-spin(i) else if (ran()<0.5) spin(i)=-spin(i) endif enddo end subroutine loopupdate !-------------------------! !--------------------! subroutine measure() !-----------------------------------------------------! ! Computes expectation values and accumulates them: ! enrg1 : energy ! enrg2 : squared energy for specific heat calculation ! amag2 : Staggered magnetization ! ususc : Uniform susceptibility !-----------------------------------------------------! use configuration; use measurementdata; implicit none integer :: i,b,op,s1,s2,am real(8) :: am2 am=0 do i=1,nn am=am+spin(i)*(-1)**(mod(i-1,lx)+(i-1)/lx) enddo am=am/2 am2=0.d0 do i=0,mm-1 op=opstring(i) if (mod(op,2)==1) then b=op/2 s1=bsites(1,b) s2=bsites(2,b) spin(s1)=-spin(s1) spin(s2)=-spin(s2) am=am+2*spin(s1)*(-1)**(mod(s1-1,lx)+(s1-1)/lx) endif am2=am2+dfloat(am)**2 enddo am2=am2/dble(mm) enrg1=enrg1+dble(nh) enrg2=enrg2+dble(nh)**2 amag2=amag2+am2 ususc=ususc+dble(sum(spin)/2)**2 end subroutine measure !----------------------! !-------------------------------! subroutine writeresults(msteps) !--------------------------------------------------------------! ! Writes bin results to the file 'res.dat'; four columns with ! 1 : energy per spin ! 2 : specific heat per spin ! 3 : squared magnetization per spin ! 4 : uniform susceptibility per spin !--------------------------------------------------------------! use configuration; use measurementdata; implicit none integer :: msteps enrg1=enrg1/msteps enrg2=enrg2/msteps amag2=amag2/msteps ususc=ususc/msteps enrg2=(enrg2-enrg1*(enrg1+1.d0))/nn enrg1=-(enrg1/(beta*nn)-0.25d0*dble(nb)/dble(nn)) amag2=3.d0*amag2/dble(nn)**2 ususc=beta*ususc/nn open(10,file='res.dat',position='append') write(10,*)enrg1,enrg2,amag2,ususc close(10) enrg1=0.d0 enrg2=0.d0 amag2=0.d0 ususc=0.d0 end subroutine writeresults !---------------------------! !-----------------------------! subroutine adjustcutoff(step) !--------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Increases the cut-off mm of the expansion in case the current mm is ! less than nh+nh/3 (nh being the number of H operators in the string). ! The arrays of size mm must be deallocated and allocated again. !--------------------------------------------------------------------! use configuration; implicit none integer, allocatable :: stringcopy(:) integer :: mmnew,step mmnew=nh+nh/3 if (mmnew<=mm) return allocate(stringcopy(0:mm-1)) stringcopy(:)=opstring(:) deallocate(opstring) allocate(opstring(0:mmnew-1)) opstring(0:mm-1)=stringcopy(:) opstring(mm:mmnew-1)=0 deallocate(stringcopy) mm=mmnew deallocate (vertexlist) allocate(vertexlist(0:4*mm-1)) ! Writes the current step number and cutoff to a file open(unit=10,file='cut.dat',position='append') write(10,*)step,mm close(10) end subroutine adjustcutoff !---------------------------! !-----------------------! subroutine initconfig() !--------------------------------------------------------------! ! Allocates the most important arrays an initializes the stored ! spin configuration and the empty operator string. !--------------------------------------------------------------! use configuration; implicit none integer :: i allocate(spin(nn)) do i=1,nn spin(i)=(-1)**(mod(i-1,lx)+(i-1)/lx) enddo mm=max(4,nn/4) allocate(opstring(0:mm-1)) opstring(:)=0 nh=0 allocate(frstspinop(nn)) allocate(lastspinop(nn)) allocate(vertexlist(0:4*mm-1)) end subroutine initconfig !-------------------------! !------------------------! subroutine makelattice() !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Constructs the lattice, in the form of the list of sites connected by bonds 'bsites'. ! There are three options here, depending on ly: ! ly=1 : 1D chain (periodic only in x-direction) ! ly=2 : 2-leg ladder (periodic only in x-direction) ! ly>2 : generic 2d system (periodic in both directions) ! Note that the system is frustrated for ly>2 and odd and the program would not give ! correct results in that case (unless one changes to open boundaries in the y-direction) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! use configuration; implicit none integer :: s,x1,x2,y1,y2 nn=lx*ly if (ly==1) then ! this is for a 1D chain (periodic only in x-direction) nb=lx allocate(bsites(2,nb)) do x1=0,lx-1 s=x1+1 x2=mod(x1+1,lx) bsites(1,s)=s bsites(2,s)=x2+1 enddo elseif (ly==2) then ! this is for a 2-leg ladder chain (periodic only in x-direction) nb=nn+lx allocate(bsites(2,nb)) do y1=0,ly-1 do x1=0,lx-1 s=1+x1+y1*lx x2=mod(x1+1,lx) y2=y1 bsites(1,s)=s bsites(2,s)=1+x2+y2*lx if (y1==0) then x2=x1 y2=mod(y1+1,ly) bsites(1,s+nn)=s bsites(2,s+nn)=1+x2+y2*lx endif enddo enddo else ! this is for a general fully periodic 2D system nb=2*nn allocate(bsites(2,nb)) do y1=0,ly-1 do x1=0,lx-1 s=1+x1+y1*lx x2=mod(x1+1,lx) y2=y1 bsites(1,s)=s bsites(2,s)=1+x2+y2*lx x2=x1 y2=mod(y1+1,ly) bsites(1,s+nn)=s bsites(2,s+nn)=1+x2+y2*lx enddo enddo endif end subroutine makelattice !--------------------------! !--------------------------! subroutine deallocateall() !--------------------------! use configuration; implicit none deallocate (spin) deallocate (bsites) deallocate (opstring) deallocate (frstspinop) deallocate (lastspinop) deallocate (vertexlist) end subroutine deallocateall !----------------------------! !----------------------! real(8) function ran() !----------------------------------------------! ! 64-bit congruental generator ! ! iran64=oran64*2862933555777941757+1013904243 ! !----------------------------------------------! implicit none real(8) :: dmu64 integer(8) :: ran64,mul64,add64 common/bran64/dmu64,ran64,mul64,add64 ran64=ran64*mul64+add64 ran=0.5d0+dmu64*dble(ran64) end function ran !----------------! !---------------------! subroutine initran(w) !---------------------! implicit none integer(8) :: irmax integer(4) :: w,nb,b real(8) :: dmu64 integer(8) :: ran64,mul64,add64 common/bran64/dmu64,ran64,mul64,add64 irmax=2_8**31 irmax=2*(irmax**2-1)+1 mul64=2862933555777941757_8 add64=1013904243 dmu64=0.5d0/dble(irmax) open(10,file='seed.in',status='old') read(10,*)ran64 close(10) if (w.ne.0) then open(10,file='seed.in',status='unknown') write(10,*)abs((ran64*mul64)/5+5265361) close(10) endif end subroutine initran !----------------------!