Maximum Height

The maximum height, ymax, can be found from: vy 2 = vy(0)2 + 2 ay (y - y(0)).

At maximum height, vy = 0, while y(0) = 0. Solving for ymax gives:
ymax =
- vy(0)2
2 ay
2 g

Alternatively, use:  vy(t) = vy(0) - g t.    At the maximum:    tmax = vy(0)/g

Substitute into y(t) = vy(0) t - ½ g t2 to give ymax = vy(0)2/ 2g.

The maximum height is determined by: (i) the initial velocity in the y-direction, and (ii) the acceleration due to gravity. Motion along x is irrelevant!