Using the Personal Response System (PRS)

Hit the power button so the green light comes on.

To choose response 4, for example, for a multiple-choice question, aim your transmitter at one of the receivers (look for the red light) and hit 4.

Look for your transmitter number on the screen to confirm that your response was received. They are color-coded by the last digit of the transmitter number.

If you are sure of your answer, hit H for "high confidence" before sending your response. The light on your transmitter will be red.

If you are basically guessing, hit L for "low confidence" before sending your response. The light on your transmitter will be yellow.

Much of your lecture grade will come from your responses entered in this way. You get 4 points for responding with the correct answer, and 3 points for responding with an incorrect answer. Don't worry too much about this one point difference - the key is showing up, thinking about the questions, and learning from them.

Use only the transmitter assigned to you. Entering responses for other students is not allowed.