Monte Carlo simulations, program examples

Julia programs
[ising2d.jl] Metropolis MC simulation of 2D Ising model (results should be processed by res.jl)
[sw.jl] Swendsen-Wang cluster simulation of 2D Ising model (results should be processed by res.jl)
[res.jl] Computes averages and errors using output from ising2d.jl
Fortran programs
[ising2d.f90] Metropolis MC simulation of 2D Ising model (results should be processed by average.f90)
[average.f90] Computes averages and errors using output from ising2d.f90
[ising2d_a.f90] 2D Ising simulation with autocorrelations (results should be processed by autoaverage.f90)
[autoaverage.f90] Computes averages and errors using output from ising2d.f90