PY 521 Electromagnetism,   Spring 2025


This is the website for PY 521, Electromagnetism. This website will be updated with lecture notes and homework assignments.

General course information. pdf .

Syllabus pdf


Week 1
Recommended Reading: EMP "To the student", Prologue, Chapter 1, Appendix F
Homework #1: 1.1,1.2,1.3
Due: 1/31/2025
Week 2
Recommended Reading: EMP Chapter 2, 3
Homework #2: 2.2, 3.5, 3.6
Due: 2/07/2025
Week 3-4
Recommended Reading: EMP Chapter 5+6
Homework #3: 4.1, 5.1, Your Turn 6F, 6.8, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12 (don't worry, many of these problems require no calculations)
Due: 2/21/2025
Week 5
Recommended Reading: EMP Chapter 8, 13-14 (review of tensors; assigned but no lecture), Chapter 15
Homework #4: 8.4, 15.1, 15.6
Due: 2/28/2025
Week 6
Recommended Reading: EMP Chapter 15,17
Midterm: 3.7,6.5,15.4, 17.3 (see section 16.4.2 for a discussion of units). Please do individually without talking to others.
Due: 3/7/2025
Week 7
Recommended Reading: EMP Chapter 18
Homework: None. Enjoy spring break