{"id":751,"date":"2018-06-29T22:16:06","date_gmt":"2018-06-29T22:16:06","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/?p=751"},"modified":"2018-07-03T22:56:35","modified_gmt":"2018-07-03T22:56:35","slug":"sauteed-pea-shoots-with-garlic","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/2018\/06\/sauteed-pea-shoots-with-garlic\/","title":{"rendered":"Saut\u00e9ed Pea Shoots with Garlic"},"content":{"rendered":"


I went to the Chinese supermarket last weekend, so fair warning – what follows is going to be an absolute slew of Chinese recipes. Whhheeeee!!!<\/p>\n

I love Chinese food. Being Chinese myself, this is hardly surprising, but I can’t go probably more than two weeks without eating a bowl of rice. When I was 18, my family and I went on a cruise to Alaska. I was absolutely bedazzled by the immense supply and quantity of food on board the boat, but, cruise cuisine probably not being that international back in 2001, I remember eating a lot of meat, potatoes, and cake. Don’t get me wrong – I loved every minute of it, especially the endless dessert platters (a bit of foreshadowing of my college life as well…), but as the ship put-put-putted back to port in Vancouver, I had the most intense craving for soy-sauce licked meats, soft, fluffy mounds of short-grain rice, and crisp, sweet, crunchy pea shoots laced with garlic.<\/p>\n

If you’ve never had pea shoots before, please please please<\/em> try some. They are light and sweet, what happens when the springy flavor of peas marries the crunch of romaine lettuce – a “more interesting spinach,” as James says! Sadly, I’m a little late to the game, as pea shoot season is coming to an end. You might still be able to find some, though, and restaurants will probably still have it on their menu.<\/p>\n