{"id":584,"date":"2018-06-13T16:57:15","date_gmt":"2018-06-13T16:57:15","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/?p=584"},"modified":"2018-06-18T17:35:35","modified_gmt":"2018-06-18T17:35:35","slug":"lemon-pepper-porkchops","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/2018\/06\/lemon-pepper-porkchops\/","title":{"rendered":"Lemon Pepper Pork Chops"},"content":{"rendered":"


I discovered this spice shop a few weeks ago in Chicago, and I. am. in. LOVE. It’s called The Spice House<\/a>, and it’s got about everything you could possibly want to flavor any kind of food. It smells amazing inside, like pepper and cinnamon and cumin and garlic and onion, and there are friendly, smiling salespeople milling around filling little plastic baggies full of spices you can buy by the ounce. All of the spices have a tasting bottle, where you sprinkle the contents onto your hand and then lap them up. The store has every single kind of spice you can possibly need, but it also has hundreds of incredibly varied, tantalizing spice blends like Ozark Fried Chicken Seasoning<\/a>, Back of the Yards Garlic Pepper Butcher’s Rub<\/a>, Fajita Seasoning<\/a>, and\u00a0Dill Dip Mix<\/a>, for when you just need a shortcut of flavor. The place is amazing. Just writing about it makes my mouth water.<\/p>\n