{"id":1310,"date":"2019-02-27T22:52:33","date_gmt":"2019-02-27T22:52:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/?p=1310"},"modified":"2019-02-27T22:55:44","modified_gmt":"2019-02-27T22:55:44","slug":"chicken-with-caramelized-onion-and-cardamom-rice","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/2019\/02\/chicken-with-caramelized-onion-and-cardamom-rice\/","title":{"rendered":"Chicken with Caramelized Onion and Cardamom Rice"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Ascetic January, as I like to call it, is officially over! If you\u2019ll recall, James and I (and his family) embarked on a no-booze, no-added-sugar January, to reset our bodies and our minds, and test our spirit and resolve in the name of better health. Here are some reflections, in no particular order:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

No added sugar was definitely harder, both practically and emotionally, than no alcohol. Sugar is in everything<\/em>, and monstrously difficult to avoid. James and I were both fully aware that we were doing this experiment due to a lifestyle choice, and not any essential dietary restriction, and so we were fairly flexible around the margins. We examined labels like hawks, but ultimately and mostly due to laziness, stopped short of traipsing to multiple supermarkets to buy no-added-sugar staples. So we still ate some added sugar in the form of wheat bread and mayonnaise. We also didn\u2019t stop eating out. We really only eat out on the weekends anyway, and we tried our best, but we also ate what we wanted. We had one exceptional cheat meal where we got Japanese. I naively thought it would be okay \u2013 it was sushi! Raw fish and rice! Then we got a bunch of barbequed meat that came slathered in teriyaki sauce and eel rolls that came drenched in sweet eel sauce. Whoops. Asian food is basically all just a big added sugar no-no. Given all this, in practice we probably ate closer to an average of <5 grams added sugar per day. That\u2019s sort of depressing, considering that we did try hard to adhere to the rules of the game.<\/p>\n\n\n\n