{"id":1163,"date":"2018-10-03T13:31:30","date_gmt":"2018-10-03T13:31:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/?p=1163"},"modified":"2018-10-17T21:50:56","modified_gmt":"2018-10-17T21:50:56","slug":"carnitas-tacos-with-green-onion-cabbage-slaw","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/2018\/10\/carnitas-tacos-with-green-onion-cabbage-slaw\/","title":{"rendered":"Carnitas Tacos with Green Onion Cabbage Slaw"},"content":{"rendered":"


We have been eating a lot of pork lately! The way I decide what to make usually goes like this… Jackie procrastinates by perusing food blogs and food magazines… Jackie is sucked in by some yummy looking food photos or tasty food description… Jackie obsesses over this recipe for the rest of the day\/week until Jackie can procure the ingredients and get to cookin’… And that’s how I found myself salivating over these crispy, fatty carnitas tacos topped with spicy slaw and fresh avocado! I’ve actually made these tacos before, about three years ago, right when James and I first met. He was away in London visiting family when I made them, and I remember sending him a picture of my finished product, extraordinarily proud of the flavor and tenderness I’d coaxed from the pork meat. He sent back a sad face emoji, and some complaint along the lines of “why you making such delicious food without me?!” and I knew it was true love, because he knew that the way to my heart was endless praise of my cooking.<\/p>\n


Now, I’ve finally gotten around to making these again, this time with James in the country, and they were every bit as good as I remember. The pork simmers down flavorful and succulent, with the citrus adding a bright, zesty zing to complement the richness of the meat. The slaw is crunchy, fresh, and spicy from the onions and serrano peppers. It’s a refreshing topping for the tacos, but I also add another scoopful as a side and eat it all on its own.<\/p>\n