{"id":1109,"date":"2018-09-18T17:25:31","date_gmt":"2018-09-18T17:25:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/?p=1109"},"modified":"2018-09-19T21:05:10","modified_gmt":"2018-09-19T21:05:10","slug":"chili-crisp","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/trialbyfryer.com\/2018\/09\/chili-crisp\/","title":{"rendered":"Chili Crisp"},"content":{"rendered":"


Over the last few months, three sets of friends have moved – two have bought their own places (hooray!), and one has moved to a new apartment. Moving is of course a huge hassle, but at least at the end of it it can be celebrated with housewarming parties and housewarming gifts! I am not great at housewarming gifts. I’m a huge believer in minimalism and scaling down (okay, fine, everywhere except the kitchen), and I hate extra stuff and extra clutter. Add to that my uncertain sense of other people’s styles, and I become paralyzed about choosing for someone a vase or a picture frame that they’ll never use. However, throw in my ginormously outsized confidence in my own cooking, and then it becomes only natural that I resort to food gifts! I’ve become obsessed with anything that can be jarred, bottled, or frozen and given as a gift. Y’all already know that a frozen batch of cottage pie<\/a> can be a great surprise for any occasion or celebration. And while fresh food is always welcome, sometimes something that can keep, that allows the new owners to use at their own speed and their own inclination, can bring happiness for weeks or months to come.<\/p>\n