Chicken with Caramelized Onion and Cardamom Rice

Ascetic January, as I like to call it, is officially over! If you’ll recall, James and I (and his family) embarked on a no-booze, no-added-sugar January, to reset our bodies and our minds, and test our spirit and resolve in the name of better health. Here are some reflections, in no particular order: No added … Read more


Last week, I mentioned that I was on a family holiday with the in-laws, frolicking among fluffy sheep on the fields of England. Here are some nice pictures of us with baby animals and baby humans: The other thing that happened was that we went to the Dartmoor Diner in Plymouth, a cozy, quaint little … Read more

Carnitas Tacos with Green Onion Cabbage Slaw

We have been eating a lot of pork lately! The way I decide what to make usually goes like this… Jackie procrastinates by perusing food blogs and food magazines… Jackie is sucked in by some yummy looking food photos or tasty food description… Jackie obsesses over this recipe for the rest of the day/week until … Read more

Spaghetti Carbonara

I lived in Italy for six months when I was 23 years old, because, well, Italy. I was out of college with not that many employable skills (having majored in English), and I basically decided that Italy was as good a place as any to plunk down and think about the rest of my life. … Read more

World Peace Cookies

I know I’ve bit a rambly lately, so back to discussions only on FOOD!!! And by food, I mean the most decadent, buttery, crumbly, intensely chocolatey cookies you can imagine. This recipe is also sort of a cheat, as it’s fairly famous and has been around for ages. But hey, things are a classic for … Read more

Marcella Hazan’s 3-ingredient Tomato Sauce

I’m back!! Sorry for the extended absence, August was a flurry of vacations, friends, and animal sightings! James and I had our one-year anniversary of marital bliss (bliss sometimes; general tolerance the rest of the time), and celebrated by going back to Boston, where we met, and traipsing with some friends to Cape Cod, where … Read more