Comments on: Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken + CRAZY RICH ASIANS /~jmott/trialbyfryer/2018/09/taiwanese-popcorn-chicken/ weeknight dinners, and other culinary adventures Thu, 13 Sep 2018 15:58:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jackie /~jmott/trialbyfryer/2018/09/taiwanese-popcorn-chicken/#comment-5 Thu, 13 Sep 2018 15:58:20 +0000 /~jmott/trialbyfryer/?p=1062#comment-5 In reply to amy.

YEEEEESSSSS girl!!! I haven’t read the books yet, but I heard from another friend that she liked the book more than the movie, so I’m very interested. I’ll have to get it from the library, and then let’s discuss! And, haha, wouldn’t it be amazing if I just wrote a screenplay about my life and pitched it to Hollywood? I now have a wealth of amazing actresses who can play me to choose from! And yes, definitely watch the movie – it’s such eye candy with beautiful fashion and beautiful people.
Yes, this recipe was sort of annoying for a weeknight! But James cleaned up after I made a huge mess so it was sort of okay. ha! If you guys come through Chicago I’ll make whatever you want from my blog for you! 🙂
Thanks for the comments!!! love you much too! <3

By: amy /~jmott/trialbyfryer/2018/09/taiwanese-popcorn-chicken/#comment-4 Mon, 10 Sep 2018 16:26:51 +0000 /~jmott/trialbyfryer/?p=1062#comment-4 i definitely want to talk to you more about CRA movie! i haven’t seen the film (I want to but haven’t yet…) but i did read the book so i have opinions.
I really loved your points about needing more movies! 100% agree. i’d totally watch a movie about a Taiwanese american girl getting a phD and marrying a British chap 😉 i actually liked that the book focused on a segment of the super wealthy of Singapore. if it tried to cover all of Singapore it would have been too watered down and boring.
also, i didn’t think about how women often sacrifice more… i guess that is true across many many cultures.
we really do need more female directors in general. a woman’s perspective would be much appreciated here.
lastly, this recipe looks amazing and a fuss factor of 10 for me!! i will likely never try it myself but would love to eat some of your some day 🙂 🙂
love you! xo
