The jsjavax directory contains SwingJS versions of required javax files. As SwingJS is developed, more classes can be added here. The general procedure is: 1) Find the desired class and all dependencies at being sure to use only Java 1.6 files (6-b27 or 6-b14), which are licensed under GPL with the classpath exception. 2) Copy those files to the appropriate jsjavax package. 3) Modify the files by adding a comment in the copyright comment indicating their source, who has done the modification, and when that was done. 4) Change their package root jsjavax. Imports generally do not have to be changed; that is optional. You should never reference these files directly in your Java project -- just use the standard Java library for that -- as these classes will never be used in Java, only in JavaScript. Note that this means they can only be tested in JavaScript, as well. Note that all files in the jsjavax package will be moved to j2s/javax, as the build script will drop the "js" from all references to "jsjava" anywhere in the project.